The New Year is one of the most anticipated and celebrated holidays. It is during this time that family and friends come together and share joyful activities and delicious dishes to give thanks for the blessings received throughout the year. But before the year is out, many people also indulge in various home renovation efforts and re-imagine their home as new. If you are one of those people looking for some advice, here are some tips that can change the look of your home and make it more environmentally friendly.

Add the plants upside down.

The garden is not the only part of your property where plants are supposed to be planted. Even inside your home, you can add some potted vegetables. Choose those that grow minimal heights. They can be placed in the middle of a coffee table or a side table. It is best to choose plants that have a slight menthol scent to provide a scent that will prevent mosquitoes and other insects. You can hang ornamental plants on your deck using empty plastic bottles. Decorate them if you like.

Use wooden or bamboo tables.

Wood and bamboo are two materials that will never be off the top lists when it comes to tables. In addition to being cheaper than steel and glass, they are also more environmentally friendly. Its sources are renewable. They can also reduce your home’s carbon footprint.

Color your walls with VOC-free paints.

Paintings have long been used to transform looks and breathe new life into idle spaces. If you are tired of how your wall looks, this is the perfect time to splash it with new colors and hues through VOC-free paints. This type of paint is harmless to indoor air. They are devoid of chemicals and therefore not dangerous to health. Color options depend on your mood, motif, or what look you want to achieve and impart. For next year, the general recommendations include earth colors.

Inspire your garden with a wall-mounted plastic bottle.

Besides selling empty plastic bottles to junkyards, another eco-friendly idea with them is to use on the walls. With a large amount of cement, you can eliminate the use of hollow blocks to form a wall. The walls built with plastic bottles are starting to attract attention due to their sustainability. Some are even making colored patterns with the use of colored cement. If you don’t have this idea yet, you can surf the web and look for patterns and inspirations.

In fact, the New Year is one of the most appropriate times for home renovations. But a homeowner should never forget to keep in mind that with changes, the environment must always be considered, especially in these days when green efforts are being pushed hard.

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