1. Breakfast: as you have read often, it is the most important meal of the day. You wake up and your blood sugar levels are low. The worst thing you can eat right now is a bowl of sugary cereal that will skyrocket your blood sugar levels, causing an energy drop an hour later and starting the fat storage process with it. Aim for a balanced breakfast of pink grapefruit and organic peanut butter rice cake, some berries (now is the time to eat these antioxidant-rich foods!) And a handful of cashews and Brazil nuts, scrambled eggs on toast. wholegrain, wheat-free museli with rice milk. Try drinking a large glass of water and substitute that morning caffeine stimulant for a cup of green tea.

2. Plan your snacks. Too many people leave snacks to chance. This will result in grabbing the closest thing (often a candy bar, pastry or cookie package) when hunger strikes. Chop up some raw enzyme-rich veggies the night before and store them in a Tupperware box in the refrigerator: carrots, cucumber, bell pepper, celery, and pass it on mid-morning and afternoon. The enzymes in raw vegetables help your digestive system work properly, and the fiber will keep you full longer. You also won’t get the dreaded insulin / blood sugar highs and lows.

3. Lunch: summer is perfect for salads. They don’t have to be boring, like most things, they are limited by your imagination. Start with or, a base of arugula and watercress and add color! Peppers, beets, radish, tuna, pine nuts, mango, avocado, dried tomato, goat cheese, olives. The better it looks in the eye, the better it will taste. This is a great way to get food that is easily digested, keeps you full of nutrients, but is low in calories – perfect for that slimmer waistline!

4. Dinners: keep portion sizes smaller than normal, avoid starchy carbohydrates like potatoes and rice. Aim for meat (try to limit red meat to once or twice a week) and vegetables. Also look to eliminate alcohol during the week. Alcohol is just a form of sugar for the body, causing bloating, it will feed your body useless calories it cannot use, and it will encourage your body to pack on its “love handles.” Also, people who drink at night tend to snack more (on junk food too) than those who don’t.

5. Try to drink 2-3 liters of fresh filtered water. We seek to remove toxins from the body and get the body to process all of the nutrient-dense foods mentioned above. Without water (your body is made up of over 65%), these jobs won’t be as effective, and you’re slowing down your results!

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