Choosing the best paint colors for your home is enough to drive anyone crazy! It’s just a simple question.

What color should I paint my living room?

But then it becomes:
How do I use different colors in different rooms and still make them all look good together? How do I know I’ll like it when I’m done? How long will I like it?

Caramba! There are so many questions and even more options to choose from!

All of this can be intimidating, so most people just give up and choose a version of white. It’s neutral, but it usually feels a little less pleasant, right?

Well, I have some suggestions that should help.

We want colour! We need colour!! The rooms look more attractive because the color somehow seems more vivid. Zillow published an article last week that mentioned how houses even sell better when they’re painted certain colors. There are many options, so we know that we can find one that we like, but let’s plan it.

First, gather options.

There are several sites that will ‘help’ you choose a color. They show you how many different options they have and some of them can even show you how it will look in your room. This is really very useful, IF you want to find out how the program works on it. She can get a handful of possibilities at a local hardware store, or she can look in magazines or online and save the colors she likes best. These are just to have something to start with. I’ll show you how to reduce it, don’t worry.

Second, consider the mood you want in the room. Relaxing? Energizing and uplifting? Socializing?

Then take a second and consider what it will look like when you’re in the room.
I know, this is a bit unconventional. But really, have you ever noticed that when you take a selfie, you look better with color in the background? Like the blue sky, or the flowers, or maybe a cool red car.

How many of us run around the house, or even outside on the patio to take a quick selfie where the background color of a tree or sky makes us look better than the boring white bathroom wall? That’s because we want to feel and look our best, even at home. When we feel like we’re at our best, we’re happier and we recharge from the world much faster.

Fourth, find out what colors complement you personally.

Some people look great in shades of blue and others look better in shades of orange. It only takes a couple of minutes to figure out which color suits you best.

Some steps to help choose the best colors

Step 1 – Find out what skin tone and hair color you have, then get color suggestions that will look best with your particular skin tone. Yes, as cosmetically. These tips will give us a nice variety of colors that we can use as a palette to choose from.

Having this first palette is a great start because it really narrows down the options.

Step 2 – Now that we know what colors make us look best, we need to consider the purpose of the room we’re painting. This is similar to, but slightly different from, the mood of the room.

What room is it and how do we want to feel when we are in it?

It would be wise to also consider colors that are already in furniture upholstery and artwork. We can match them to the closest shade in our new palette.

Coordinated colors always look ‘together’, like we know exactly what we’re doing.

Once you know the main colors that make you look your best and match the upholstery or drapes you like, Adobe has a cool color wheel tool. You can take your colors to the wheel and connect them one at a time and it will show you which colors will complement or coordinate with the one you have chosen.

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