If you want to get your dog to stop eating poop, there are some simple methods you can implement to get the best results. Although why dogs engage in this horrible habit is still a mystery, dog trainers around the world have managed to identify the most common reasons dogs eat poop and redirect their attention to more desired activities. In this article I will share with you 5 techniques that I used to get my dog ​​to completely stop eating poop in just a few weeks.

  • 1. Get your dog to stop eating poop by changing his diet

It is believed that some dogs eat their feces to make up for the lack of vitamins and minerals in their food. Be sure to feed your dog well-balanced, nutritious foods, such as dry kibble, so he doesn’t have to look elsewhere for more nutritious items.

  • 2. Solve some exercises so that your dog stops eating poop

Try to organize your dog’s time in such a way that he doesn’t have time to even think about getting into trouble. Enroll him in an obedience class where you can learn how to teach him some basic obedience commands and strengthen the relationship you have with your pet. Try to take him on regular walks where he can run free and socialize with other animals. The more you get tired, the less likely you are to seek out other forms of unwanted entertainment.

  • 3. Add some spinach, pineapple or pumpkin to your meals

My favorite way to get a dog to stop eating poop is to add some spinach, pineapple, or pumpkin to his food. These plants are said to smell and taste horribly after being digested and eliminated. You can do something similar with Tabasco sauce or cayenne pepper, just coat the already pooped feces with these strong-smelling substances and see how easily they repel your dog.

  • 4. How can reducing the amount of stressful stimuli stop my dog ​​from eating poop?

Dog trainers believe that one of the reasons your dog eats poop is the fact that it works as a stress reliever. You will need to identify what is causing this stress and either remove this factor, reduce your dog’s exposure, or perform a series of desensitization exercises that will help your dog adapt to stressful conditions step by step.

  • 5. Get your dog to stop eating poop by using the ‘Off’ command

The ‘off’ command is a very effective way to prevent your dog from putting various things it finds on the street into its mouth. In order for your dog to understand this command, take a treat and hold it in front of your dog’s face. The moment you reach it, firmly say “out” and close your hand. Wait two or three seconds, and if he resists trying to get the treat, give it to him and praise him happily. Repeat the exercise a couple of times a day, but each time make the waiting period a little longer. Over time, you’ll be able to use this command to keep your dog away from all sorts of unwanted things, including feces.

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