My recent move from the 24-degree weather of Boston, MA, to the sun and beaches of Southern California got me thinking about the differences and similarities of the holiday season for people across the country.

In Boston right now, we’re celebrating the Patriots’ win and getting ready for a cold Turkey Day.

In Southern California, we may not have been so lucky considering the Chargers loss, but we’re also gearing up for Thanksgiving dinner followed by a stroll along the Pacific Ocean.

Whatever your location, there are several truths about the holiday season.

The truth of the matter is that most people tend to put on a few extra pounds starting on Halloween and continuing through the New Year.

And every year, many of us go through the same thought process.

You may have found yourself saying:

“This year is going to be different.”

“I’m going to eat less. I’m not going to have 2 desserts.”

“I’m going to start exercising before the holidays.”

“I’m going to stick to my New Year’s resolution(s).”

To help you out this holiday season, we’ve put together a list of the 5 biggest health and fitness mistakes people everywhere are making and what you can do to make sure you don’t fall into a weight gain trap.

Here are the top 5 health and fitness mistakes you may be making…

Health and Fitness Mistake #1

Not having or not changing your cardiovascular exercise program

Many people get stuck in the search for a better physical condition. Sometimes it’s a weight lifting plateau and sometimes it’s a cardiovascular fitness plateau.

Remember, your heart is also a muscle, the most important one.

If you’re not working out at all or if you keep doing the same cardio routine over and over again, then your heart is never going to be challenged in a good way.

To make sure you’re training your cardiovascular system correctly, you’ll want to cross-train using several different cardio activities.

Here are a few to get you started during the holiday season:

* Walking: Take a walk with family members before and/or after holiday meals. It’s a great way to burn some extra calories and will warm your body up a bit (especially those of you in Boston and colder climates).

*Cross Training: If you’re at the gym, try a machine you don’t normally use.

If you’ve been using the treadmill forever, the muscles you can see (your legs) and the muscles you can’t see (your heart) probably feel comfortable.

Switching between exercise machines will keep those muscles guessing and can even make time seem to go by faster.

Health and Fitness Mistake #2

just doing cardio

Cardio activity will help your heart get stronger and help you burn some calories from fat and carbohydrates, but a faster and more efficient way to reach your health and weight loss goals is to combine your cardio with a weight lifting routine. .

Weight lifting will help you build some lean muscle throughout your body.

Having a little more muscle in your frame will help you burn more calories throughout the day.

Health and fitness mistake #3

Eating the wrong foods…and too much of them

It’s hard enough eating the right foods in the right amounts all year long.

During the holidays, offices and kitchens are often bombarded with sweet and sugary treats. It can be almost impossible to resist.

That’s why so many people gain an extra 5 to 20 pounds during the holiday season.

If you are worried about gaining weight during the holidays, these 2 tricks will help you.

1) Increase or maintain your intake of water and fruits –

Once you’re at a holiday dinner, it can be harder to resist food temptations.

Before you leave the house, be sure to drink a glass of water and/or a piece of fruit. This will help satisfy at least some of your appetite and leave a little less room in your stomach for that extra cupcake.

2) Bring healthy treats to the office –

If there is only one option, then that is the one you will do.

By having a selection, it will be easier to choose heart-healthy and low-calorie options.

Having a fruit salad instead of a bowl of chocolates is a great way to stick to a solid nutritional plan.

Health and Fitness Mistake #4

Focus on muscles one at a time

Gone are the days of working only the biceps.

Split routines (a bodybuilding staple) are being replaced by various total-body training strategies.

Not only do you burn more calories, but you can get more done in less time.

Health and Fitness Mistake #5

Not asking for help when you need it

With so much information available in magazines and yes, on the Internet, it can be hard to know which information to trust.

Too often we remain disconnected, too proud to ask for guidance or help.

If you’ve been stuck in the holiday cycle of gaining and losing weight, only to gain more weight, then lose it again, and you’re ready for a change, then don’t be afraid to seek guidance from a board-certified physician. and fitness professional.

Manhattan Beach’s team of personal trainers have over 10 years of experience creating effective fat loss and weight loss programs.

We have successfully helped hundreds of clients through the holiday season and we are ready to help.

Schedule your free consultation here.

I am looking forward to speaking with you soon.

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