Ground rules are a critical part of any meeting; however, they become even more critical when the meeting takes place via conference call. Some call the basic rules a code of rules. They are the guiding principles that will help conference call participants interact in a courteous and effective manner. There are some essential basic requirements for any conference.

1. Start on time. All meetings must be timely. Any meeting that is allowed to languish at first sets an unfortunate precedent. Start the meeting on time no matter who is absent. An important aspect of the early start rule is that it is risky to stop and question anyone who shows up late; otherwise, it will defeat the purpose of the rule. Once attendees know that the conference call will always start on time, they will adjust their schedules accordingly.

2. Have an agenda. Some may wonder if this really is a round rule, but it is! Meetings without flooded agendas. They tend to do nothing more than create the process itself. Have an agenda and articulate it to them during the early stages of the meeting.

3. Only one person speaks at any given time. Conference calls are confusing to listen to without people trying to talk to each other. Participants may need to practice their listening skills to know when someone is really done with their part of the conversation.

4. Listen actively. Instead of planning what you are going to say or how you are going to respond to something someone else said, try to listen carefully to what the other conference call participants are saying. Take notes and ask clarifying questions. As other attendees notice your attention, they may match it when it’s their turn at the table.

5. Each person should be allowed to vocalize their role during discussions. Another way to think about it is that each person should be an active participant in the conference call dialogue. If allowed, some of the less vocal people on the conference call can hide behind the anonymity of the format. Make sure everyone contributes to the conversation.

6. Decide in advance how decisions will be made. It is essential to decide this in advance when everyone is still calm and focused. In some companies, the highest authority will make the decision. If the group is allowed to make a decision, determine if it will be by simple majority rule, consensus, or something else. But make up your mind before the moment the dialogue ignites and not everyone agrees.

7. Do what you say you are going to do. Often when people conference over the phone, they commit to tasks without giving it a second thought. This ground rule seeks to ensure accountability among participants that they can be counted on to do what they commit and agree to do within the set time frame. This also means that it would be a bad idea to assign a task to a person who is not present on the call to accept the assignment. If you need that person to be the one to do the task, ask after the meeting to make sure you can commit to them.

8. Respect each other and do not individually attack another guest. In a perfect world, respect would come naturally; however, sometimes people need to be reminded. Also, because the phone offers a sense of distance and anonymity, attendees may feel like they can say things they would never say to someone in person. It is important to respect the other attendees enough to listen to what they have to say with an open mind and not pass judgment during the time they have the floor. That doesn’t mean you can’t disagree with them, it just means being courteous and respectful at all times.

With these ground rules, or guiding principles, your meetings can be more effective and efficient. The morale of the participants should increase, as well as the participation of all attendees.

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