The Bala Shark, scientific name Balantiocheilos Melanopterus, is not actually a real shark, but was named for its appearance, which features a silvery color and high dorsal fins. They make an excellent addition to an aquarium due in part to their gentle temperament, as well as their beauty and grace. These energetic fish also form beautiful schools and are compatible with a number of different tank mates to add interesting variety to your aquarium.

Bala Sharks can be started in a larger aquarium of around 30 gallons of water, and always with a secure cover with no gaps or openings, as they tend to be astute jumpers. The water temperature for the Bala Shark can range from 71 to 83 degrees Fahrenheit for them to thrive and be healthy. The PH level should also be kept around 7.0.

An outside power filtration system with about ΒΌ inch of gravel will also provide the correct environment for the Bala Shark, also known as the Silver Shark or Tri-Colored Shark. They should also have plenty of plants and rocks to hide in, especially until they become familiar and comfortable with their new surroundings.

The Bala Shark’s diet consists of freeze-dried bloodworms, which are actually mosquito larvae, and also floating flake food. Both are found in pet stores or wherever fish and aquariums are sold. They also like to eat live black worms and live or frozen brine shrimp. Bala Sharks are also known for making a distinctive snapping sound, which can be surprising until you know the source.

Eventually, a Bala Shark may need a 75-gallon aquarium, or possibly even larger, as they can grow quite large over their lifespan, which can be anywhere from eight to twelve years with proper care. It is imperative to provide the proper tank size with enough room for active Bala to swim and grow to full maturity.

A young shark can be about two inches long and grow to about seven inches in just a few years. The Bala Shark can get up to 14 inches long, but the average size seems to be around seven or eight inches. There is no way to determine the sex of the Bala, except if you see the females laying their eggs in the gravel, as these fish are “egg scatterers”. Females also tend to be slightly fatter during the breeding season than their male counterparts.

The Bala Sharks are educating the fish and will do best in groups of at least four to six more Balas. Some of the marine species that will make good tank mates with Balas are Barbs, including Tinfoil Barb, Gouramis, Danios, Rainbow Fish, and some Spiny Eels. Even the smallest Guppies and Tetras would be compatible with the Bala Shark due to its docile manner.

Although they are generally low maintenance and easy to care for, these fish tend to be susceptible to diseases such as ich or shimmy, particularly if they are kept in crowded conditions. Learning the signs of stress or illness in fish and how to treat them will ensure you enjoy your Bala Sharks for years to come.

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