For your work from home business, it is a simple formula, because of its simplicity it seems to be a secret. It is far from that, it is a gem. It’s a diamond in the ruff. Its secret lies in the fact that it is hidden in a flat place. The simplicity of its power has found the wise for centuries. It has been bypassed for more sophisticated formulas. It has been overlooked for more sparkly and sparkly jewelry. The formula is like the parable in the Bible about the hidden treasure. On Mate. 13:44 Jesus said, “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man finds and hides, and full of joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Just as in the parable of the treasure hidden in the field, the AQF Formula is of great value. For those who find it, it is the gift worth dying for. It is about the heart (the human spirit), the soul (the mind) and the flesh (the physical body.) So here is the AQF formula:

AQF is the acronym for Admit It, Leave It, Forget It!

Admit it.The first step to finding success is admitting, confessing, admitting the fact that you don’t know everything. You must first admit your faults, sins and shortcomings, before you can overcome them. Admitting it gives you the ability to fight back and break down the walls of fear, doubt, and disbelief. The most sinister and most difficult obstacle to admit is the presence of pride in your life. Pride will not allow you to succeed. Pride is a ruthless taskmaster who wants to sit on the throne of your life forever. In today’s world, clinging to pride will reduce you to an economic slave.

Leave it alone.The second step is probably the most difficult. It requires you to shed clothes, people and things. You have already admitted these things, now you must stop. Quitting smoking will free you from those things that are hindering you. This battle takes place in your mind, where you make a conscious decision to change. It is necessary if you are really going to prosper in your home based business. Breaking old ties and associations is harder than most people are willing to admit. It can be done if you are determined to prosper.

Forget it. The last thing you should do is forget about the things you’ve moved on from. Forgetting means you don’t dwell on the things you’ve let go of. It is imperative that you do not stop at them, because by doing them you can repeat them. If God says that he will forgive and forget your sins, when you confess and repent of them. The matter is forgotten, so you must forget it because it is not a matter that has the power to hinder you further.

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