In an age of high-priced sneakers and broken glass on the streets, barefoot running is a rare thing. However, more and more trainers and trainers are turning to barefoot training for their runners and now recreational athletes, tired of expensive shoes and lower extremity injuries, are jumping on this new trend. It’s actually not that new, as people have been running barefoot for hundreds of years. Zola Budd made barefoot running famous by breaking the women’s 5000 meter world record in 1984, running barefoot. So why are we all paying top dollar for cloth and rubber to surround our feet? Are the shoes the problem or the solution? Many disagree about barefoot running and the debate between advocates, trainers, trainers, runners and podiatrists is in full swing.


Barefoot proposes that the shod foot (foot encased in a shoe) weakens over time when it is constricted. They also claim that the body cannot feel the ground and adapt properly. This inability to feel and adapt properly leads to injury. The body expends more energy when running in shoes than when running barefoot. Some runners claim that the few scrapes on their feet were much less painful than the blisters they typically have to deal with after a half or full marathon.


Scientific evidence supporting barefoot running is lacking. A few small studies have supported barefoot running. A study in the Internal Journal of Sports Medicine found that there is actually less impact on the feet when running barefoot due to the way the body adapts to impact. Another study found that the body uses about 4% more energy when running in shoes than when running barefoot. In underdeveloped countries with shod and bare feet, comparisons have shown a higher rate of shod foot injuries.


Opponents do not find these studies convincing and claim that these studies were too small or not carried out correctly. They point to the fact that the study in underdeveloped countries and point out that this tells us very little about injuries and performance in developed countries.

Opponents of barefoot running do so for many reasons. Podiatrists, in general, are some of the most opposed to barefoot running. The biggest reason for opposition is foot protection. Puncture wounds are the biggest concern for those who run without protective footwear. Many podiatrists believe that blisters and lesions are caused by ill-fitting shoes, not all shoes.

Many argue that since our ancestors walked and ran barefoot, we should too. However, the surfaces we walk on today are much stiffer and less forgiving than the grass, dirt, and even stone paths our ancestors walked on. Glass and metal shards are common on roads and were not a major concern even a few hundred years ago.

There are different types of feet. Some people have very high arched feet and some people have very low arched feet. Some foot types may adapt well to running barefoot, but that doesn’t mean all foot types will. Foot mechanics are extremely complicated. People who overpronate (rotate inward) and have a flexible, flat foot type usually need more supportive shoes and sometimes a custom-made orthotic. People with a very stiff, high arched foot type put a great deal of pressure on the outside of their feet and may need a shoe or insole to help even out this pressure. Both individuals will most likely end up with injuries if they attempt to run barefoot.

The general rule of thumb is that if you don’t have any issues with injury or the performance of your current running shoes, don’t change a thing. If, on the other hand, your feet fall somewhere between a high and low arch and you’ve bought all the expensive shoes and insoles on the market, but continue to injure yourself, you might consider trying barefoot running. If barefoot running is something you’d like to try, be sure to do it gradually. Puncture wounds, scrapes, cuts and bruises are likely to occur unless you choose your surface wisely. Start on grass or a soft surface. Consider sand at the beach or even hitting the trail. Start gradually and slowly.

A word about the shoes

An ill-fitting shoe can be the cause of many lower extremity injuries. A shoe can place the foot at the wrong angle to the knee and hip, potentially leading to injury. Too tight a shoe can cause toe blisters and nail problems. A shoe that is too loose can cause heel tendonitis or blisters. A shoe that is too flexible can contribute to the development of plantar fasciitis (pain in the heel and arch). A good shoe does not have to be expensive. When looking for a running shoe, make sure that the midsole is supportive. Test it by grabbing the toe area and heel area and try folding the shoe in half. If it bends in the middle of the shoe, it’s too flexible and won’t support your foot. Make sure there is enough room in the toe box. Check the heel counter and make sure the heel counter is stiff enough to hold the heel in place and prevent blisters. Above all, make sure the shoe is comfortable. Use them around the house, on the carpet, before you go for a run.


There are probably some people who could improve their performance and decrease their injury rate by running barefoot. But, before you throw your shoes away and go for a run in bare feet, consider a shoe that will fit you better. Barefoot running is not recommended for people with a high arch, very low arch, people with overpronation, or people with diabetes. If you decide to try barefoot running, choose your running surface carefully and watch out for puncture wounds.

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