There can be many reasons why a couple wants to choose the sex of their baby.

There may be reasons related to the health potential of the newborn, depending on the gender, or perhaps they wish to have a small family and want only one boy and one girl.

Possibly, as in my case, you already have a tribe of only boys and you would love to have a little girl to complete your family. Whatever the reason, it is very important to ensure that she will be extremely happy with her newborn, regardless of whether or not she gets the sex she is looking for.

There are many different techniques and various theories for choosing the sex of your baby, and one is the effect of caffeine on conceiving a baby.

Now I must stress first that the caffeine theory in trying to choose the sex of your baby is directed at the father – it is not recommended for a woman to drink coffee or other high caffeine beverages as this impedes female fertility.

Even just one or two cups a day is reported to reduce the chances of conception by 10 percent.

To conceive a boy, the egg must be fertilized by the ‘Y’ chromosome, which is faster and more active than the ‘X’ or girl chromosome. Although both types will be revved up by the father drinking caffeine before intercourse, it will give the boy’s sperm a flaunt and a better chance of reaching the egg, as they normally tire quickly and don’t make the distance.

Studies have also shown that caffeine will, in fact, increase the rate of sperm production in men more than sperm production in women.

To apply this theory, the father should drink a couple of cups of strong coffee 15-30 minutes before having sex. If you don’t like to drink coffee, other forms of caffeine are fine, for example strong black tea.

Please note that a highly caffeinated food or drink is not recommended for long-term use.

This is just a little theory on how to choose the sex of your baby, and while no natural technique can guarantee you the sex of your choice, it is possible to increase your chances of planning the sex of your baby naturally and have up to 90% success. chances of having the sex of your choice.

Good luck!

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