Yeast infection and sex don’t mix. By that I mean that if one partner has an infection, regular sex can transfer the infection to the other. You cannot ’cause’ a yeast infection, but you can ‘transfer’ it. Another reason they don’t mix is ​​that the symptoms can make intercourse very uncomfortable, even painful. In some severe cases, intercourse is impossible. Here, we will see why this happens and what you can do about it.

The cause of yeast infection is a natural fungus called ‘Candida albicans’ that resides in most of us without any problem, due to the friendly bacteria in our bodies. And he loves the warm, wet and dark areas of our body, for example, the genitals, the mouth, the anus, etc.

But it can often ‘grow too big’ causing symptoms like a red/swollen vagina and vulva, thick white discharge, painful urination and many more. Men with penile yeast infections have similar symptoms.

So you can immediately see why intercourse with a yeast infection can be very painful, and how one sexual partner with an infection can easily pass it on to another. Unfortunately, condoms are not the answer as some spermicides actually stimulate the growth of Candida albicans. All this makes it difficult to heal. The only sure way to get to a quick and permanent cure is to stop having sex completely. Hard but true.

Your normal prescription or over-the-counter topical medication remedies can help relieve symptoms in 7 to 14 days, longer in some cases. But they are only attacking the symptoms of the yeast infection, not the root cause. And because Candida can develop a resistance to drugs, they can eventually become ineffective, leading to repeat yeast infections. Of course, this means even more time without sex.

So what thousands of patients are doing is using all-natural treatments to cure their infection fast, so they can get back to a normal sex life in the shortest possible time.

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