Fleas and pets are often found together. The little dark bug drinks blood and in the process can cause disease, spread disease, annoy your cat or dog, and thus can affect families.

It is vital to move fast to solve the problem. The life of a flea is a month or more, which means that if you are late, a new generation of pests will emerge.

First establish that there is a flea problem. If your cat or dog scratches frequently, fleas could be the cause. Fleas often jump, so you can spot them if you put a rag where they’re expected. They can become visible as they move (light fabric works best to show off the small dark bugs).

These insects have four parts of their life called egg, worm or larva, pupa and adult. The female lays the eggs after a (blood) meal. Larvae and pupae are the pre-adult stages, when the insect is ready to attack, bite, eat and lay more eggs to start over.

Since the cat or dog got it from somewhere, you may also need to check all outdoor places your pet visits or any other animals your dog or cat may come into contact with. Even a single place or animal with insects can transmit it to everyone again, so it is very important to be vigilant.

It is crucial to act quickly by stopping the life cycle of the insect. With the egg stage, simply combing the dog or cat’s fur with a fine-toothed comb can help remove the eggs. However, the eggs can land on surfaces, so be careful to thoroughly vacuum any areas the cat or dog has visited.

If you already have fleas, you should consider destroying the pet’s bedding. Also, while a vigorous cleaning may solve the problem, you may want to steam clean furniture and carpets to get rid of any remaining fleas and eggs.

The best situation is never to have fleas! Prevention is the best option, and you can do this by looking for problems before they become serious. Remember these tips, and you’ll improve your cat or dog’s health and your own, and you won’t have an uninvited guest!

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