Perhaps the most common sign of alcohol abuse is that you drink every day and never go without a drink of some kind. Morning drinks are also a common sign of alcohol abuse and dependence. Some alcoholics can’t start the day without drinking. Another sign could be that once they drink a can of beer, they feel the need to finish a whole six pack, or a glass of wine and drink the whole bottle.

When someone gets a DUI, or more than one, it becomes apparent that they have a drinking problem that interferes with their decision-making and normal functioning (cite: 1).

When someone drinks and then becomes aggressive even with close friends and family, this can be a sign of a drinking problem and a sign of other internal stress-related issues for which alcohol is being used.

When all of someone’s social events seem to be centered around alcohol, it’s a good indication that they might have a drinking problem or an alcohol dependence problem.

There is a difference between alcohol abuse and dependence

Abusing alcohol can include heavy drinking in adolescence, which is very hard on the body, and an activity for which they will pay a heavy price the next morning with a hangover. Still, if a teen did this every 4 months, say at a “rage party,” but she didn’t like drinking in between, she’s not alcohol dependent or an alcoholic, but she’s abusing alcohol. Of course, if this becomes a regular thing and they start drinking daily, they are headed for a serious dependency problem.

Similarly, an adult who rarely drinks, but gets drunk and drives a car, or starts a fight, we would all consider alcohol abuse. However, since they do not drink often, they are probably not alcoholics, unless they have had a dependency problem in the past.

We often associate alcoholics with unacceptable social behavior, but in reality, there may be people who drink and display unacceptable behavior who are not dependent on alcohol. Just as you can have a functional alcoholic who never goes over the line socially, has a hangover, or becomes rebellious while drinking (quote: 2).


Alcoholism is a disease, it is called; Alcohol use disorder. It’s serious, it destroys your health, it rewires your brain, and it can eventually ruin your life. Is seriously. If you think you might have a drinking problem, look for the signs and then act. If you try to stop, but can’t, then it’s time to get help.

If you know a friend or loved one who has a serious drinking problem and is an alcoholic, it may be time to help them deal with their problem and get the help they need.

1.) “Substance Abuse vs. Substance Dependence: Implications for DUI Offender Management,” by William L. White, published in Abuse Dependency Distinction, 2007. WilliamWhitePapers (dot) com.

2.) Book: “Psychological Theories of Drinking and Alcoholism”, edited by Kenneth E. Leonard, Howard T. Blane, The Guilford Press, New York, NY, 1999, 461 pages, ISBN: 1-57230-410- 3.

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