It may sound crazy to some, but there are actually staunch supporters of using urine therapy to get rid of tinnitus, as well as many other health conditions. So if you are struggling with tinnitus and have tried everything, should you consider urine therapy to get relief from annoying tinnitus sounds?

Although it may sound gross to many people, urine therapy, also known as urea therapy, has been around for centuries, especially in the East. Its origin is believed to be in certain religious rites in India, where it has been practiced for thousands of years.

Urine is what remains after the kidneys finish filtering impurities from the blood and is made up of about 95% water, 2.5% urea, which is a compound formed from the breakdown of of protein, as well as 2.5% of a mixture of minerals, salt, hormones and enzymes. According to those who practice urine therapy, it is not simply a waste product to be disposed of.

The origins of the various noises associated with tinnitus are often unknown, so it is commonly thought to be the result of some problem in the body and not considered a disease per se, but rather a symptom. While in very few cases this internal problem can be discovered and effectively treated, in most cases the problem in the body that is causing the noises is unknown.

This is why some believe that using urine therapy as a means to get rid of tinnitus is the key due to the various properties of urine. Some of the minerals commonly found in urine include amino acids, glucose, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, urea, tryptophan, and many other vitamins, minerals, and other health properties that are crucial in promoting overall health and well-being.

Many supporters of urea therapy believe that fervently drinking your own urine can help cure a wide range of diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, glaucoma, fight allergies, clear sinuses, etc., and using it topically can help stop dandruff, psoriasis. , eczema and other skin conditions while helping to restore hair and reduce wrinkles. Some even use the urine for “urine extraction,” which is similar to the ancient Ayurvedic practice of oil extraction.

By drinking small amounts of urine as urine therapists believe, it helps maintain balance in the body and provides antibodies and other tiny particles that can fight disease and illness, including potentially getting to the internal problem that is causing the tinnitus.

As with all alternative practices, there are few if any research studies to support the various health claims. Although conventional medicine denies the various healing claims about urine therapy, it is not believed to be harmful to drink your own urine unless it is infected with germs or consumed in large quantities.

Using urine to get rid of tinnitus

There is a specific process for using urine to eliminate tinnitus or any other health condition and it first starts with making sure your private parts are clean and healthy to avoid the risk of infection. You will need to use a cup or container to collect your urine and you should make sure these are clean as well.

Make sure the urine you use is clear because colored urine is acidic. Getting clear urine will require you to drink a lot of water throughout the day to make your urine clear. Your diet is also important for getting the best urine, so make sure you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and avoid a lot of spices in your diet.

Avoid collecting the first part of the urine stream that may contain germs expelled from the urethra, and also avoid the last part of the stream that may contain calcium.

If you are new to urine therapy, start with half a cup or 100 ml of urine. If you are new, you may also consider mixing equal parts urine and distilled water before drinking.

You may also consider taking a few small drops of urine and placing it under the tongue for maximum absorption into the body.

Will urine therapy work to get rid of tinnitus? Who knows. As with many alternative and conventional tinnitus treatment methods, effectiveness can only be determined by trying the method yourself and giving it enough time to work before deciding whether or not it works for you.

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