Drake P3 is a behavior profiling and psychometric assessment tool that is designed to help organizations assess and select the best candidates for any given role they are hiring for, improve communications within an organization, optimize individual performance and improve team effectiveness.

Some of the key benefits of using the Drake P3 system include:

  • Better hiring decisions – the behavioral data that Drake P3 collects from candidates enables hiring managers to make more informed hiring decisions
  • Improved employee productivity – Drake P3 helps managers and supervisors identify key behavioral strengths and challenges of employees so they can ensure their strengths are fully leveraged for the benefit of the organization and their challenges are addressed through training, coaching development and training.
  • Reduced employee turnover – Since most employee turnover is rooted in the hiring process, by enabling more informed hiring decisions, Drake P3 has a positive effect on an organization’s employee turnover rate

The benefits of the Drake P3 system also extend to current candidates and employees, who gain a greater understanding of their own behavior and the kinds of roles their behavior profiles suggest are a good fit for them. This helps set realistic expectations and also chart development paths for candidates and employees who may be “nearly” ideal for a position they are applying for or aspiring to.

Drake P3 profiling process

The Drake P3 profiling process is simple, straightforward, and quick to complete. It involves completing a Communication or Candidate Survey (depending on whether the person completing it is a current employee or a candidate for the position), which is a self-report adjective questionnaire that takes less than 10 minutes to complete and is the source of the data for the resulting Candidate/Communication Profile which is the heart of the Drake P3 behavioral profiling system.

The communication/candidate profile reports on the unique combination of five fundamental dimensions of an individual’s behavior:

  • Domain
  • Extroversion
  • Patience
  • Compliance
  • conscientiousness

Specifically, the Profile reports on the strength of an individual’s predisposition on each individual behavioral dimension or trait, identifying their “high traits” and “low traits” and, in doing so, providing insight into how an individual is likely to perform. in a given role, working with others, receiving instructions from supervisors, as well as the degree of flexibility he or she can handle in each of those five behavioral areas, among other things.

And the Drake P3 system does it all in plain language.

Drake P3 is a nice addition to the HR toolkit

The Drake P3 system, like other psychometric assessment systems such as the DISC personality test and the profiling system, is an excellent way to achieve a number of key HR objectives, effectively and efficiently.

As such, the Drake P3 system should be considered an addition to any organization’s HR toolkit.

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