One of the most common questions I get from my Personal Training clients is, “How do I increase _____?” Whether it’s bigger biceps, bigger shoulders, chest or legs; My answer is always LIFT HEAVY and LIFT FREQUENTLY! However, most people are not in their best physical condition and are not ready to start an intense bodybuilding routine. To them I impart these seemingly obvious words of wisdom… focus first on BECOMING STRONGER. Looking great may be the goal, but what’s the point if you don’t have the foundation to back it up? The reality is that you need strong muscles to build big muscles and to build strength you have to challenge your muscles and think outside the box.

So the next obvious question is “okay smart so how do I get stronger?” Now you are asking the right questions!

Here are a couple of good tips to get you started:

1. Crunch the numbers to gain strength.

Your number of repetitions directly influences your body’s response to your training. To gain strength, you must work with sets of 6-8 repetitions at no less than 70% of your 1RM (1 repetition maximum). Your 1RM is the most weight you can lift in one repetition. For example, if 40 pounds is the maximum weight you lift for a dumbbell curl, 40 pounds is your 1RM. 70% of that would be 28 to 30 pounds. After 6-8 reps at 30lbs you should almost be at muscle failure. Use this same equation to determine your working weight for whatever muscle group you are training.

2. Choose the right exercises to gain size.

To provide your muscles with the attention they need to grow, you want to increase the amount of time these muscles resist stress or work. Super setting is an exercise technique that combines two exercises in a row with little to no recovery time and a great strategy for gaining size.

An example of a Super Set might be heavy front squats for 6 to 8 reps, followed immediately by single leg raises for 15 to 20 reps using only body weight. In this pair, the front squats are the main exercise, while the step-ups are the auxiliary exercise. The goal of maximum time under tension would be achieved here by first requiring the use of the large leg muscles as prime movers for both exercises, followed by the recruitment of smaller stabilizing muscles to aid movement in the second exercise. You should notice at the end of each pair that your heart is beating faster than it could after just performing a set of front squats. This is the result of making the most of your body’s short-term energy stores (adenosine triphosphate and creatine phosphate).

As your fitness improves and the intensity of your training increases, your goals will likely change as well. By following these two basic bodybuilding tips, you’ll be on your way to gaining muscle strength and muscle size.

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