Hair loss in women occurs in more than one pattern. Hair loss is caused by the action of two enzymes; aromatase (found predominantly in women) and 5-a reductase (found in both women and men). The reason women experience hair loss during and after menopause is because their estrogen levels drop. Female pattern hair loss affects approximately one-third of all susceptible women, but is more commonly seen after menopause. Common or “hereditary” baldness in women, also called female pattern baldness, is genetic and can come from the mother’s or father’s side of the family. Various forms of estrogen can “oppose” androgens, and thus reduce their availability to the cell, by blocking androgen receptors. A woman who notices the beginning of hair loss may not be sure if the loss will be temporary or permanent; for example, if there has been a recent event, such as pregnancy or illness, that may be associated with temporary hair thinning.

In women more often than in men, hair loss may be due to conditions other than androgenetic alopecia. Because beautiful hair is a sign of youth and longevity, hair loss can leave you feeling confused, helpless, frustrated, and angry. Many women don’t realize that hair loss can occur after pregnancy or after stopping birth control pills. It can also follow any sudden physical or psychological stress on the body. Alopecia means baldness, but just like in men, it doesn’t have to be total hair loss. This looks like an efficient thinning of the hair on the top and front of the head. Treatment of this type of hair loss includes immunomodulatory therapies such as glucocorticoids, topical immunotherapy or anthralin, or biological response modifiers such as Minoxidil. The choice of treatment depends on the age of the patient, as well as the degree of hair loss.

Causes of female hair loss:

The most common causes of hair loss in women are not related to inherited genes, but to temporary metabolic problems associated with pregnancy, unusual stress, thyroid hormone deficiency, chemotherapy, crash diets, major surgery, severe infection, or high fever. A possibly autoimmune disorder that causes patchy hair loss that can range from diffuse thinning to extensive areas of baldness with “islands” of retained hair. Hair loss due to trichotillomania is often patchy, as compulsive hair pullers tend to concentrate the pulling in select areas. Hair loss from this cause cannot be effectively treated until the psychological or emotional reasons for trichotillomania are effectively addressed. Certain drugs can also wreak havoc on hair that was once lush and healthy.

Symptoms of female hair loss:

The main symptoms are:

1. Think of hair on the whole head.

2. Mild to moderate hair loss at the crown or hairline.

Female hair loss treatment:

Treatment options for women are more limited than those available for men. A consultation with a qualified specialist is recommended to discuss your options. The popular Rogaine topical treatment for women (minoxidil) can be used by women. And many women undergo hair restoration surgery to restore their hair. Hormone replacement pills, like Prempro and Aldactone, are better after menopause. Experienced hair transplant surgeons can often achieve excellent results in women with the new follicular unit and minigraft techniques. If treatment fails, or is not desired, professional advice may be helpful. Perms, dyes, and other cosmetic options can be used to give the hair a fuller appearance.

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