Substances in homeopathy can come from plants, animals or minerals. Depending on the substance, it is crushed and added to a mixture of alcohol and water. If an ingredient cannot be dissolved, it is mixed with lactose or milk sugar. Continuous mixing and waiting for a period of time creates a concentrated liquid that drains off to become the mother tincture. Then, this mixture is diluted again and again according to the use that is going to be given to it. Minute amounts of the diluted tincture are enough for the body to begin its healing process.

Homeopathy is a system of medicine that is based on the law of similars. This law has been confirmed in experiments and in clinical use over the last 200 years. Let me explain how these mixtures work as a treatment for childhood ADHD by giving you an example of similar cures that homeopathy is based on. Syrup of Ipecac used to be recommended by doctors and unfortunately it is no longer used due to its misuse; people with anorexia nervosa used it as a way to vomit ingested food, among other reasons. Doctors would recommend that parents give the child syrup of ipecac to induce vomiting if the child has ingested certain types of poisons. Syrup of Ipecac is from a South American plant called Ipecacuanha; which in their native language literally means “the plant by the road that makes you vomit”. This is an example of like cures like. Whether a person’s affliction is a persistent cough after a cold or nausea in the case of an expectant mother, Ipecacuanha is given in very small amounts to initiate the healing reaction in the body. The ingredients in homeopathic treatments for children with ADHD work in this way.

Homeopathy is a safe natural cure for children with ADHD, even pregnant women can use homeopathy because it has no side effects and is non-toxic, even if some ingredients are “labeled” as poisonous from plants, animals, minerals or sources of nosode which is a remedy for diseased tissue, all are used in extremely low potency and are completely safe. The FDA has guidelines for homeopathic remedies. A quality product would be manufactured in an FDA registered pharmaceutical facility. You can get these remedies without a prescription, but most are prescribed through licensed homeopaths.

Homeopathy has helped not only treat childhood ADHD, but also chronic pain, fibromyalgia, headaches, learning disorders, pregnancy ailments, anxiety, depression, and much more.

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