Hopefully, you’re here because you want to know how to bulk up, get stronger, and look better. In this article, I’m not going to talk about any of these so-called “miracle supplements” that everyone is trying to lure you into buying, but instead I’m going to tell you in less than 1,000 words everything you need to know to pack. in 2 stones in 10 weeks. If you don’t take everything I write about in this article, take out the rubbish and put it to work, you will grow like a weed.

About me

A couple of years ago I was 9 stone (126lbs) at 175cm tall. I was the skinniest in my year in school and literally had no strength. It is very likely that I was weaker than you now. To make a long story short, I did a lot of research, asked a lot of questions, hit the iron HARD, and gained up to 14 stone of muscle efficiently. That’s an increase of 5 stone (70 pounds). In that time I’ve managed to bench over 320 pounds, deadlift over 520 pounds, and squat over 400 pounds. These are not world record lifts, but for me they were incredible achievements. Now, I’m going to tell you how you can do the same, so listen up.

The Bulking Triangle

There are three sides that must be done correctly if you want to gain muscle mass.

– Eat more than you burn (food)
– Progressive microtrauma in the muscle (training)
– Adequate rest and recovery (recovery)

This is what is happening. You go to the gym, lift weights and damage your muscles, you come home from the gym and eat enough to give your body excess fuel, you go to sleep so your body can repair damaged muscle tissue and supercompensate. Rinse and repeat, but with a little more weight and a little more food each time.

Here’s how to increase the volume in more detail for you

How to bulk up Lesson 1: Eat enough food

Let’s start with the basics. If you want to get bigger, you need to eat more calories than you use. It’s simple physics; The energy going in must be more than the energy going out, otherwise there is no fuel for your body to build muscle! You can’t build a house with raw materials like bricks, and similarly, you can’t build muscle without plenty of protein, amino acids, and carbohydrates.

The perfect amount is to eat between 500 and 700 extra calories per day. 3,500 calories equals one pound of weight gain; therefore, by eating 500 to 700 more calories per day, you will gain 1 to 1.5 pounds of weight per week. This is perfect.

ANYTHING more than this will make you fat. I don’t care what others say about eating until you’re about to explode: your body can only build muscle mass at a certain rate, beyond that rate no amount of food will make any difference. Your body will just store it as fat, and trust me, there really is no point in gaining weight because you’ll have to get rid of it later.

In terms of macronutrients, you want to make sure you’re getting adequate protein (about 1g of protein per pound of body weight), plenty of low GI carbs like bread, rice, pasta, wheat, oats, and potatoes (simple carbs or sugars). are kept to a minimum). The fats are low, but they must contain a lot of essential fatty acids in a good balance. If you find it difficult to fit your EFA into your diet, google “Udo’s Oil Blend” and grab a bottle.

Eat 5 to 6 times a day smaller protein meals at each session. A protein shake in water is recommended before breakfast (when you get up) and immediately after training. In your post-workout shake, add some simple sugars like glucose to jumpstart your body out of the catabolic state it’s in post-workout. This is the only time I advise using simple carbs because at any other time of the day they cause insulin spikes that are a haven for fat storage. Any other times during the day that you have a protein shake are up to you, but those times are a must.

Get enough of real food, guys! Protein shakes are good on occasion, but there is nothing that can rival the anabolic effect of eating chicken or a good red meat.

How to bulk up Lesson 2 – Progressive Muscle Stimulation

Moving on to training. Many beginning bodybuilders or people looking to gain mass will tell you that 80% of muscle gain is due to diet. This is absolutely rubbish. If you don’t train properly, no matter what you eat, you will never gain lean body weight. However, if you train gradually and don’t eat very clean, you can still gain muscle. Don’t underestimate how important training is!

The most important thing to keep in mind when training is that the body will only react to the stimulus it is subjected to. It won’t grow if you lift the same weights week after week. You must have PROGRESSIVE microtrauma to the muscle. This is absolutely essential.

To achieve this, start with your weights at around 80% of their maximum and add 5 pounds to them each week. Momentum will take you past your previous high and keep adding weight until you level off. At that point, take a week off or unload so that you only lift 80% of your new max. Using this method for beginners is so powerful – I’ve seen people hit 3+ stones of muscle mass in 6 months, they literally changed their shape.

Compound movements are essential. If you’re one of those people who does barbell curls on the squat rack, then you’re never going to get anywhere. You need to do heavy squats, heavy deadlifts, bench presses, military presses, and bent over rows. The main part of your routine should consist of the above. You can do anything else you want to do, but only after you’ve done the massive monster exercises!

Don’t spend more than an hour in the gym. Spending too much time in the gym will hinder your gains in the long run. Get in there, do your work, and get that protein shake on your neck.

How to bulk up Lesson 3: Get plenty of rest

If you don’t get enough rest, not only will you not grow, but you will put yourself in a state of overtraining, which means your body will suffer a lot. You need to sleep 7-8 hours a night and you only need to go to the gym 3 times a week max. The four-day split is overkill and not necessary. Most people who have been in the game for any real length of time will tell you that to build muscle, 3 days in the gym is more than enough.

If you want to play soccer or do some other type of sport, that’s fine, do it. Don’t listen to those people who tell you that you can’t gain weight if you do some cardio while bulking up.

If you feel extremely tired one day and don’t think you’ll get the most out of your training session, don’t do it. If this happens more than once in a few weeks, consider taking a week off and then going back to hard work from scratch; it’s a sure sign of overtraining.

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