Fleas can plague dogs and their owners. These pests infest your dog’s fur, burrow into it, suck blood, and seek shelter. Untreated infestation can lead to dermatitis. When a dog bites and ingests fleas, the dog may also be at risk of contracting a tapeworm. Here are some solutions that you can consider.

  • Bathe your dog regularly

A clean pet’s coat will limit the chances of harboring insects and reduce the chances of having the threat of fleas. Give your pet a thorough exam as regularly as possible from time to time. Scrub the dog’s coat properly, use dog soap, and rinse properly with clean water. You can bathe him after every one to two weeks. It depends on how active your pet is. Use the recommended dog bath products that not only prevent but also treat flea problems.

  • Clean the dog’s bedding.

Once the fleas have infested the dog, they tend to retreat, especially in areas where it sits still for long periods, including where it sleeps. You can use hot soapy water to wash the bedding, then shake it out well and let it dry in the sun afterwards. Also clean your dog’s house with hot, soapy water, scrubbing surfaces well to get rid of any fleas that may be nesting there. This gives your pet comfort and a good sleep.

  • active household products
  • There are homemade and natural alternatives to get rid of dog fleas. They include:

    • Garlic

    Chop some fresh garlic in a food processor, then add a little oil to make your pet’s coat shine. Then apply all over your pet, moving through the coat. Wash it off after a few minutes.

    • olive oil

    The oil drowns the fleas and causes them to fall off the dog’s fur. Start placing it on your pet’s head and slowly work your way back then simply wash the oil out with shampoo. With it come the fleas.

    • talcum powder

    Coat your beloved pet with baby powder to smother pests. If your pet is still a puppy, this tactic works great. You can also use baking soda.

    • Salt

    Sprinkle it around the house and let it sit for a week or more and on the dog’s body as well.

  • vacuum cleaning

Since the source of infection for pets is fleas that hide in dark and dirty areas of the house, the vibration of the vacuum drives them out and exposes them to light, which kills them. This limits its infective capacity.

These materials are cheap and readily available and therefore it is possible to have a pet that is completely free of fleas just by imagining. You won’t have to go through the hassle of buying expensive commercial insecticides that can also be detrimental to your dog’s life. Therefore, these step-by-step natural methods can guarantee you a healthy, clean and happy friend. Please give them a try and see what they can do for you.

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