Below average penis size is a rapidly growing problem these days. The latest and greatest enlargement pills are hyped left and right and to be honest I’m sick of it. Medication is not the way to go if you are trying to enlarge your penis. They will just leave you disappointed and frustrated. Although there is an alternative. You can make your “device” bigger with simple penis enhancement exercises.

Until now, exercising the penis in a natural way is very undervalued. Although men have had very good results using penis enhancement exercises, very few seem to be implementing them. They must have a good reason for skipping them, or they just don’t know how effective they can be. But, they are slowly increasing in popularity now that men are realizing the effectiveness of natural penis enlargement exercises.

Any man, sporting two hands, can use penis enlargement exercises to enlarge his penis. They are very easy to implement and do not require too much time. You can exercise in the shower or just lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. I only exercise about 20 minutes a day, with very good results. So anyone, anywhere can have positive results using natural penis exercises.

It is becoming increasingly clear that penis enlargement exercises are increasing in popularity as men realize that they are working very well. Every day, men all over the world are adding inches to their masculinity. This is how you can enlarge your penis without drugs.

Using the “top rated” penis enlargement supplements can seriously affect your health, in a negative way. There are more and more cases where scientists find all kinds of dangerous chemicals in these pills. The production of these supplements is not regulated, therefore it is up to the manufacturer of the product to ensure proper handling. This is usually not a good idea as many companies seriously lack that. Not to mention that many companies that sell male enhancement supplements buy them from other countries, having no control over the safety of production. Of course there may be suppliers that have very strict production processes, but separating the good from the bad is almost impossible for the consumer. So you should think twice before buying.

With penis enlargement exercises on the rise, as well as pumps, extenders, and the like, there is absolutely no need to invest in these supplements, which are by the way ineffective and potentially dangerous as well.

To get started with natural exercises, read on and apply.

Warming up before any technique is very important. You may not see results if you start exercising without warming up and possibly damaging your penis. The simplest warming technique is simply taking a hot bath, which opens the dorsal veins of the penis. It is very important to start warming up.

With step one behind us, it’s time to start exercising. This particular exercise thickens your penis, probably increasing your partner’s sexual pleasure. This method is probably one of the oldest methods out there, but it is really effective. It is usually referred to as the milking method as it resembles the act of “milking”. So grab the penis with your thumb and forefinger, around the base, and slowly force the blood to the head. The correct way to do this, to ensure you get the most out of your exercise, is to apply just enough pressure that you actually feel your blood moving, but not to the point of discomfort or pain. Finding this balance takes some practice, but you should get the hang of it very quickly. Do this every other day at first, for about 5 minutes per session. You should see results fairly quickly, 1-3 weeks.

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