Many blogs are full of distractions like sidebars, ads, and too much information. This can distract your audience from engaging in the most effective way for you to build your list, grow your brand, and make more money.

So how can you improve your blog?

Use a modern theme

If you use self-hosted WordPress for your blog, you can easily upgrade your theme to be one of the more modern minimalist themes. These remove distractions and make it easy for your visitors to read the blog and take action when called upon to do so.

improve navigation

The truth is that your navigation should also be minimal. You don’t need to have huge dropdowns or a bunch of different things to click on. You can have top navigation that takes visitors where you want them to go and then leads others through links in content, links to similar content in blog posts, and other ways that work better than sidebar content. .

A CTA in the header

Putting a CTA (call to action) in the header of your blog page to capture email list signups is an effective way to create an attention-grabbing header. You can also use this area to mention the most important content found on your blog to direct visitors where you want them to go.

Create a full footer

Even if you want to keep the top navigation limited, you can still create a full navigation in the footer. It’s a great place to put anything people might be looking for, like copyright information, related sites, contact information, a link to a sitemap, and more.

Add widgets that are useful

If your sidebars stay the same, people ignore them. But if you use a widget, that will allow you to display popular posts, comments, breaking news, and maybe sales highlights that will grab your attention more.

Add a slider

Another way to present more information is to use a slider that shows your best blog posts at the top. That way, your viewer doesn’t have to search; they see what is best from the beginning. This, combined with in-content links and recommended post content, can keep visitors on your site longer.

Enhance Images

Update images in older blog posts while updating information in the content. By doing so, you are making your blog look more modern. You are drawing attention to the old content by updating it as well.

As you make updates, just do one new thing at a time instead of doing everything at once. You can enhance your blog content and images, then update them, change colors, and improve navigation over time so you don’t confuse your visitors. You want to keep your brand so they know it’s yours.

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