Here’s a question… what do you think a “strong woman” does to inspire her man to be so great? I have a theory, let me share it with you…

If you want your man to be the best he can be, get to the point where you see MORE potential in him than he sees in HIMSELF. Be the girl who inspires him to greatness.

If you do this correctly, he will be deeply touched because you will see a potential in him that no one else sees…

Everyone else sees the opposite. You will give him a strength that he will not find anywhere else, and thus he will latch on to you for that strength…

… In a good way, until he himself believes in his potential.

Why do guys like this?

Every guy secretly wants to be the champion of his own conquest. Think about it, how much do they like sports, competition, etc. to men? We all secretly want to be the heroes of our own adventure story, but we live in a society that says we can’t.

Everyone is programmed for half of their life. We live in a society where people would rather watch TV about an epic adventure than go out and experience one.

Society promotes mediocrity from every angle…

Tony Robbins and Brian Tracy are two self-help giants whom I highly admire and recommend. They profoundly influenced my way of thinking about the concept of expecting the best from others.

Brian Tracy talks specifically about the law of expectations on his show, “The Psychology of Achievement.” Basically, the law states that you live up to the expectations that you have for yourself and that other people have for you, no matter how high or low.

In support of this law, he also gives several scientific studies that support this theory, including one conducted in the 1970s where teachers at a school were secretly convinced that they had been given the most gifted children in the state, and as a result the teachers were so motivated to teach them well, that the school became the best school in the district.

The law of expectation works, because it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you are sufficiently convinced of something, you will find all sorts of evidence to back it up. This is also why seeing the worst in people is so destructive.

A girlfriend who is extremely jealous and controlling is much more likely to be cheated on, because she creates a self-fulfilling prophecy. Eventually her opportunity to cheat arrives and the guy thinks, “Oh well…she thinks I’m cheating on her anyway…” and she does…

The same goes for seeing your boyfriend’s high potential. Note that the quote at the beginning of this post did not say: “behind every great man, there is a nagging girl who drove him crazy…”

Start looking for the best in your boyfriend. Seek the excellence of his man, not his weaknesses. Here are some tips to make this strategy work big for you:

  • Don’t do this insincerely or it will backfire. You have to really believe in the other person. He builds an unshakable conviction that even he can’t shake.
  • You build your belief in him by convincing yourself that he has potential in a specific area. Think of the logical reasons why your boyfriend can be a star. A good sign that you’ve sold yourself is when you’re surprised that he doesn’t see the potential in him the way you do.
  • Don’t be impressed when he behaves in ways that you KNOW are below his standard. There are two sides to each corner. If you know that one standard is worth it, then you also know that it is better than another.
  • Believe in him so much, that even if he is losing the ball in that area of ​​life, you can still have faith. This does not mean that you overlook his flaws. You can still call him when he drops the ball. But believing in your boyfriend can help you forgive him when he messes up, and it also helps you have faith that he’ll get back on track.

This one is huge. I personally use this strategy with all my friends. I have found that my friends try hard to be loyal to me. The more I expect the best from my friends, the more things they do and say to let me know that they are my friends for life. Because of the deep faith I have in everyone around me, my friends, particularly my girlfriend and other girls I’ve been with in the past have said that they will never forget me and never want to stop being friends with me.

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