The godfather of training Jack LaLanne never talked about running long distances or running marathons; he never talked about a 400lb bench press, he trained with light weights and thousands of calisthenics and did tons of swimming and accomplished amazing feats.

According to today’s experts, high-rep training only builds endurance, and you also fail to realize that as soon as someone lifts a weight it’s considered strength training, no matter how much weight you’re using.

But according to the experts and the current standard, you’d think that the only weights your body responds to are a barbell or a kettlebell, the thought of high repetition bodyweight training is somehow inferior, that it’s just useful when performed with low repetition training such as power. face lift

But Jack LaLanne could do thousands of calisthenics, swim miles in open water. LaLanne trained to exhaustion, until he couldn’t do another rep.

Nobody questioned Jack LaLanne with his results, but the experts and nothing will question others who train in the same brutal way.

I’ve never heard Jack LaLanne complain about wear and tear, never heard extensive injury stories, just theories from people trying to push their training theories forward.

The problem is that people spend more time resting in a training session than working. We’ve been taught that we need to spend a lot of time between sets recovering in order to get to the next number of reps.

The fit elite don’t spend more time resting than training, which is why most people are about the same when it comes to their fitness level. You train like everyone else; will be the results you will get.

High rep calisthenics are hard to do, mentally and physically they will try to beat you down. To get to a great level of fitness, you must always push your self-imposed limits.

Most people let others decide what they are capable of; I look at the elite fit. I look at the men who have pushed their self-imposed limits and given others the chance to believe it can be done.

The body is made to move, nobody puts the limits of what you and your body can do, only your mind and what you believe can be done and what you are willing to try will determine how far you will go.

Look at the people who have already been where you want to go!

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