In 1992, John Haymes Newton starred in a video movie called The Desert Kickboxer. Joe Highhawk (John Haymes Newton) kills an opponent in the fight and can’t get the picture off. He leaves the ring and leaves the big city where his job was to be a policeman. Hawk (John Newton) returns to the land where he was raised by his grandfather. There, he works as a border agent taking down small-time drug dealers, while at work he meets Claudia (Julie Aronson) and her brother Anthony (Sam DeFrancisco) who are on the run from their former boss Santoz (Paul Smith), Who’s a Big-time drug lord Claudia discovers her boss is a ruthless gang leader at work and transfers over a million dollars to a secret Swiss bank account that only she has access to.

Santoz and his henchmen captured Claudia (Julie Aronson) and her brother, Anthony (Sam DeFrancisco), as they tried to escape through the desert. Hawk (John Haymes Newton) hears the gunshots, notices Santoz’s men, and arrests Claudia and Anthony. Hawk has a warrant for their arrest and transports them to his trailer to await the sheriff.

While they wait, Santoz and his henchmen find them and attempt to kill Hawk. They capture Claudia and take her prisoner. After leaving Hawk for dead, they leave. Hawk wakes up to find that Santoz (Paul Smith) has destroyed everything.

He turns to his grandfather’s lifestyle for strength and inner power. His grandfather has taught Hawk how to fight and survive. Hawk (John Haymes Newton) uses his kickboxing to return the extreme violence that is meted out on him. Of course, Hawk is worth all of his kickboxing experience. This movie is rated R but, for fans of martial arts, it’s great. John Haymes Newton is very skilled at his craft, as well as being a fine actor in one of his earliest acting jobs. Watch for more information on John Haymes Newton to come. For fans of martial arts, this is a must.

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