Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system and plays an important role in astrology. He is considered the Guru of all the planets or the Devaguru of the Gods. Jupiter is considered to be the most beneficial of all the planets, as it imparts wisdom, knowledge, wealth, and health. A well-placed Jupiter in a person’s astrological charts imparts spiritual inclinations of excellent luck, as well as a good education for the individual. Sagittarius Pisces is said to be ruled by the planet Jupiter. It is also seen that the planetary position of Jupiter has many effects on the 12 houses of the ascendant. You can learn about the effects of Jupiter on each of these houses.

Effects of Jupiter on various houses
There are several Jupiter effects on houses:

First house
When Jupiter is in his own sign, which is Sagittarius or Pisces, the person is said to be a good speaker as well as being well versed in Shastras and Vedas. This person will be blessed with a good and happy life with several healthy children. If Jupiter is in its exaltation sign, which is cancer, all the above factors will be realized and the effects of Maharaja Yoga caused by Jupiter can be enjoyed in 16-year-olds. However, if Jupiter is in the house of his enemy Capricorn, the individual will have a short life in which he will indulge in sinful acts. You could also be childless and have a bad life.

Second home
In the second house, Jupiter will bless the native with wealth and intelligence. The individual will enjoy financial and agricultural gains at age 16. If Jupiter is in his own sign, the individual will be prosperous, healthy and happy. However, if he is faced with exaltation, the individual will suffer from a bad education; He has poor communication skills and exhibits the qualities of a thief and a liar.

Third house
With Jupiter in the third house, the native is likely to be very frugal. He will be smart and determined and will have several siblings. However, he will abandon all relationships. If he faces a malefic, the native will lose his brothers and will be unintelligent and poor.

Fourth house
The native will be happy, intelligent and kind. You will also have the abundance of milk in life, being a landowner. However, if it is associated with a malefic, it will have the opposite effect, since the native will be left without land or means of transport. He will also suffer bitterness, without a land of his own.

Fifth house
This individual will be very intelligent, very generous, will feed others, a good talker and full of life. You will be blessed with several children, with wealth and prosperity in your destinies. On the other side of the coin, if you meet a malefic, you will suffer the loss of children and wealth.

Sixth house
The dangerous individual, this native will destroy his enemies, leaving marks and wounds on his body. He will have several grandchildren and will be disease free. When encountering a malefic, the native will suffer from illnesses related to colds.

Seventh house
The native will be very polite but worrying. You will have a devoted spouse and you will gain happiness and wealth through this relationship. However, on the other hand, the native may have relationships with other members besides his spouse.

Eighth house
This native will suffer a short life with harmful indulgences. The native will be a sinner. However, if it is associated with a beneficial planet, this could become the opposite and lead a long and healthy life. If he is associated with a malefic, the native could have relations with widows at the age of 17.

Ninth house
The native will be religious and philosophical. You will be blessed with wealth and spirituality and perform religious ceremonies. He will have a long life as a minister, king or commander of the army, and he will be handsome and cultured.

Tenth house
A respected individual, the native will be well versed in the scriptures and will be religious, and a great speaker. However, if you are faced with a maleficent, you will face obstacles in your career path and indulge in harmful acts.

Eleventh house
This native will be blessed with health, wealth, and profit. Your reputation will be widespread and you will have good transportation. You will enjoy effortless earnings and can have elephants.

Twelfth house
This native will have a bipolar nature; he will be interested in studies and will be good at mathematics, yet he will have loose morals and will have few children. If associated with a beneficial planet, the native will enjoy the pleasure of heaven after death. However, if he faces a malefic, he will face the opposite; Go to hell after death.

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