A person who is not a frequent drinker but who constantly feels sick whenever they drink alcohol may be showing signs of alcohol intolerance. Some people can feel the intoxicating effects of alcohol in small amounts which are likely to manifest as a throbbing headache and nausea the next day.

However, distressing reactions, such as nasal congestion and flushed skin, to alcohol immediately after a drink or two are warning signs of the disorder commonly known as “alcohol intolerance.” Usually such a reaction is due to one or more ingredients, such as chemicals, grains, or preservatives, in the alcohol.

Although alcohol intolerance and alcohol allergy are generally used interchangeably, they are quite different from each other. Both are caused by a reaction to alcohol allergens such as yeast, rye, barley, histamines (found in red wine), and sulfites (found in white wine). The similarities between both conditions end here.

On the one hand, alcohol tolerance is more common and is accompanied by symptoms, such as skin flushing, elevated heart rate, nasal congestion, stomach pain, etc. On the other hand, alcohol allergy is quite serious in nature as it shows stronger symptoms and is often accompanied by physical pain. However, the rate of occurrence of alcohol allergy is also quite rare.

Common symptoms of alcohol tolerance

People who find that they are intolerant to some of the ingredients in an alcoholic beverage might want to replace it with another allergen-free beverage. Alcohol allergy, as opposed to alcohol intolerance, is also known as Asian flushing syndrome, which is described as the absence of a specific enzyme that metabolizes ethanol from alcoholic beverages, a genetic trait particularly prominent in individuals of Asian descent.

However, the surest way to avoid the symptoms of an alcohol allergy or intolerance is to completely abstain from drinking alcohol. Since most people do not know if they are intolerant to alcohol or not, it is essential to be aware of the milder symptoms of intolerance that many people experience without knowing it.

Here are some signs of alcohol intolerance to look out for to identify the problem:

  • Reddened skin and nasal congestion: When drinking alcohol, a reaction to an allergen can cause nasal congestion and reddening of the skin. Hot flashes and overheating can cause hives all over the body in people who are intolerant to alcohol, especially around the face and neck. Similarly, ingredients like nuts or histamines found in red wine can cause a person’s blood vessels to swell and lead to nasal congestion.
  • Headache: Unlike the headache seen during a hangover, one of the first signs of alcohol intolerance is when a person begins experiencing incessant, distressing headaches soon after consuming alcohol. It is one of the observable signs of alcohol intolerance.
  • Elevated heart rate: Tachycardia, or an excessively fast heartbeat, is a common symptom of alcohol intolerance. Although an elevated heart rate while drinking alcohol is not dangerous if it is accompanied by shallow breathing, it is advisable to consult a doctor. The increased heartbeat is also the body’s way of saying that it does not agree with the alcohol consumed.
  • Stomachs: Alcohol has the ability to cause a vasodilator effect in the stomach, that is, increased absorption of a person’s intestinal contents due to a decrease in vascular resistance. For a person with an intolerance to alcohol, this effect can accelerate the absorption of allergens, such as wheat, gluten, etc., and exacerbate food allergies. These stomach pains also occur along with the feeling of being bloated and nauseated depending on the amount of alcohol consumed.
  • Loose intestines: Another unpleasant symptom associated with alcohol intolerance is diarrhea. While stomachaches in people with alcohol intolerance are quite common, drinking and running to the bathroom to discharge watery stools is not. This is a sign that the body is unable to break down alcohol efficiently, and is often accompanied by cramps that may indicate an allergic reaction.

The road to recovery

In addition to causing allergies and other unpleasant reactions in some people, alcohol has the ability to program the brain to prioritize alcohol-seeking behaviors. Alcohol consumption also leads to a multitude of health complications and eventually addiction depending on the frequency, duration and amount of alcohol consumed.

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