The following is what I have learned from years of trying to achieve my own fitness goals.

I know a lot of people out of shape who wish they could get in good shape. For every person who says “I want to look good in a bathing suit,” there are a thousand excuses why they can’t get off the couch and exercise. The fact is, there is really nothing stopping them and at first glance, you would think that these people are simply being lazy. Believe me, I know a lot of hardworking people who are overweight and don’t exercise, they are definitely not lazy people. The fact is, no matter what the excuse is, there is a real reason someone may have exercise anxiety. The excuse may be false, but the fear is real to them.

Myth No. # 1: you can’t exercise without supplements and protein shakes

The fitness industry is a billion dollar industry and there are marketing people and CEOs who want to keep it that way. What better way to increase sales when everyone has bought your DVD? Sell ​​vitamins and protein shakes. Once you’ve made your vitamins and put them in a nice package, you have to sell them. So a company tells you that after a hard workout, your body will need to refuel with everything it has lost. The fact is, 100 years ago we didn’t have these things. We were thinner and stronger and people worked in the fields all day. How they did it? They ate meat and beans for protein, fruits and vegetables, and drank water to stay hydrated. Personally, I take very few, if any, supplements. Sometimes I take magnesium and potassium but I haven’t noticed any difference in my training whether I take them or not. Do yourself a favor and eat well and drink lots of water. Leave the vitamins and shakes to the bodybuilders. Nature has provided you with everything you need for successful exercise.

Myth No. 2: people will see me and laugh

I know people who cannot exercise unless they are locked in a closet where no one will find them. This is a real fear. There are a couple of reasons why people are afraid.

First, they are afraid of failing and someone will see their failure. The fact is, whatever you do is better than sitting on the couch. If you tell your friends that you plan to start slow and ask for their support, you won’t feel as much pressure and your friends will offer their support. Take a chance, I promise no one will laugh at you for starting an exercise routine.

The second reason people may be afraid of being seen is because they are insecure about their appearance. The fact is, people will watch you. They will begin to notice that you look slimmer and are more active. They will comment on how good you look and some people will get jealous. Every time I start an exercise routine, it’s not long before my friends are inspired to start exercising, too. Most of us are not sure how to get started. If we see someone else doing something, we naturally want to see if we can do it too.

So go out there and let people see your accomplishments.

Myth No. 3: you have to do a Boot Camp style workout 45 minutes a day

Twenty years ago we had Richard Simmons sweating out songs from the 60s as exercise videos. We could relate to him, he was fun, the music was good, but still a large percentage of people who bought these videos didn’t use them. Today we have videos like P90x, Insanity and Tapout. Extremely fit guys doing crazy workouts that will help you get fit. What could be less intimidating? His infomercials are filled with people who have done the shows and transformed their bodies in 90s he says. I tried a couple of them myself. Yes, these videos will get you in great shape. Not only that, but you’ll be heartbroken and your friends will talk about how good you look. All you have to do is stay current for at least 90 days. This is very intimidating for people. It is a great commitment. A big fear that many people have is that the training is too hard and their muscles ache. If you want to make P90X, you should give it a try. The reality is, if you can’t complete the 45-minute workout, you shouldn’t feel bad. Go slow, stop when necessary. You will not be a failure. Remember, anything you do, even if you do it for 5 minutes, is better than sitting on a couch. You are not out of shape in 90 days and you may not be able to get in shape in 90 days. It is a process. Set a goal to be able to do the full 45-minute program at the end of the 90 days if necessary. Listen to your body and go at your own pace. I promise you that eventually you will be able to do it and in 90 days you will be light years from where you would be sitting on the couch.

Facts about exercising

To recap, here are the facts.

  • Drink plenty of water. 70.8% of the earth is made up of water. There is enough for everyone. Enjoy it.
  • Get a lot of protein. Meat and beans are an excellent source of protein. Avoid smoothies. They have too much sugar anyway, and they usually don’t taste that good.
  • Get enough sleep. Your friends don’t want you to get in a bad mood. It will also help you have easier workouts.
  • Go slow. 5 minutes of exercise is better than a night on the couch. Build your training over time and have fun with it.
  • You don’t need fancy clothes, accessories or equipment. All you need is yourself and the floor or floor. I do three exercises, push-ups, sit-ups, and squats. Start slow and build up.

While your anxiety may seem real, you owe it to yourself to get in shape. You are worthy of a great body.

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