Guest List

The great thing about having a casual dinner is that the guest list can be fluid. With formal dinners there are formal invitations, RSVP cards and finalized lists. When you have guests over for a casual dinner, often all it takes is a phone call or email to coordinate times.

The most important part of planning the guest list for a potluck dinner (also known as “asking people over”) is making sure the people you invite get along. This might be better if you stick to one social circle at a time. For example, her husband’s best co-worker may not necessarily get along with her best friend’s sixteen-year-old daughter (or she may not mind talking to him). Your uncle may not mind at all trying to get along with your wife’s gym buddies. You get the idea.

That’s not to say there aren’t times when having everyone you know over for a backyard barbecue isn’t a fun idea. Use your best judgement.

The good thing about an informal meeting is that you don’t have to invite a lot of people. Having a few people join you for dinner is perfectly acceptable at a casual dinner and, in fact, is expected. Large numbers tend to breed formality, whether that is intended or not.

If you decide to send invitations to a casual dinner, the good news is that these invitations do not have to be expensive. A pack of them from a stationery store should suffice. Many people don’t bother with mailed invitations, but those who do like them because the invitation gives them the opportunity to give all the information at once. Date, time, place, special topics, etc.

If you don’t want to worry about paying for postage, there are quite a few party supply websites that will allow you to send e-invitations to the people you’re inviting. These are becoming more and more popular because they allow you to write all the details once and then send the invite to everyone on your guest list. Recipients can simply email or call you to let you know whether or not they will be able to do so.

Finalizing a guest list for a casual dinner isn’t as important as it is for a formal dinner. This is because informal gatherings rarely have cutlery or a set number of food servings. All that is really needed is a rough estimate.

To lease

Deciding on a location for your potluck dinner/meeting usually involves simply deciding which house everyone should meet at. If you are going to give the party, it is usual for the party to be at your house or in the place you choose.

Having the party at home can save you quite a bit of money, as most restaurants like to get a lot of notice if they need to sit a large number of people together. Also, restaurants often add extra tips to the bill for large dinners. When you have the party at your house, all you need to buy is the food you are going to cook and maybe some cleaning supplies to order before your guests arrive.

The only problem with having casual dining at home is the amount of space available. You will need enough space for your guests to sit comfortably while they eat and enough space to serve the food! If your dining table is small, you might consider creating a makeshift buffet line in your kitchen and having your guests serve themselves and then bring their plates to the table (or living room).

If you decide to treat everyone to dinner, be sure to call the restaurant ahead of time to ensure enough space. Many restaurants have side rooms for especially large groups of people. The sooner you secure your reservation, the happier everyone will be, not only your guests, but also the restaurant staff. Some restaurants will give you the option of a limited menu just to make sure they have enough prepared food on hand (to shorten the wait time after ordering).

If you and your friends have decided to get together for dinner, it’s perfectly appropriate to suggest someone else’s home as the venue for the casual dinner. As a group, you can decide who should host the party or which restaurant would offer the best options for a group of your size. Don’t forget to bring enough party supplies for everyone.


The food at casual dining can be as casual as the setting. If you’ve decided to have a potluck, here are some tips you might want to consider when it comes to making sure everyone is fueled.

Have a potluck! Ask each guest to make/buy a plate that is big enough to feed all the guests. Then simply arrange all the dishes as a buffet line and let people serve themselves. This saves everyone quite a bit of money and saves you from having to cook enough food to feed everyone who shows up.

If the weather is nice, you might consider having a barbecue: it is easier to cook large amounts of food on a barbecue than on a stove. You can grill meat outdoors and use the oven and stove for side dishes.

Potlucks and barbecues are especially good ideas for a group of people whose food tastes vary greatly. They are a great way to ensure meat eaters and vegetarians leave full and happy when the meal is over. With a barbecue, it can be a good idea for each guest to bring the food they want to grill.

If you’re only having a few people over for dinner, you might consider ordering. Pizza and Chinese food are great staples for casual dinners with friends, and will allow each person a say in what is served.

If the potluck isn’t specifically taking place over dinner, you can simply grab a few trays of vegetables and deli meats from your local deli or grocery store and have everyone serve themselves. Appetizers, when eaten in bulk, can be quite filling!

Pasta is another food that lends itself well to last-minute gatherings. It’s quick and easy to make, and if you run out, you’ll be making more in no time!

Sandwiches are another great idea for casual dining. Stock up on different meats, cheeses and sandwich garnishes and let each guest make their own. Everybody is happy!

You can also check out our bonus section for some quick and easy recipes that will work well for casual gatherings.

A word about alcohol:

When it comes to casual dining, BYOB (bring your own beverage) is the general rule. However, as with other gatherings, you need to consider each of your guests. If one (or more) of your guests has an alcohol problem, it might be a good idea to declare your party a “dry” party. You should also make sure everyone has a designated driver in case alcohol is served.


Casual dinners are one of the best ways to get adults to play party games, which are a great addition to the event. Board games, charades, word games, treasure hunts, etc. It’s a good idea to have a few games in mind in case the conversation stops. Here are some games that are fun at any party.

“I never.” This is technically a “drinking” game, but there is no rule that says you have to drink alcohol to play it. The idea is to go around the table and have each person finish the sentence “I’ve never…” and then everyone at the table who has done what that person hasn’t done has a drink.

“What do you prefer?” Again, a simple game, but not for the faint of heart! Each person can ask the question “would you rather?” and then present two options. For example: “Would you rather eat worms or dance in the town square in your underwear and socks, but nothing else?”

Charades: always fun.

“Six Degrees of Separation”. This became famous about a decade ago and was called “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.” The idea is that you can link any actor to Kevin Bacon in less than six steps. Choose one person (famous or otherwise) and then have each person suggest someone else to link to the first. See how many of you can do it in six steps or less!

“Two truths and a lie”. Each guest tells two things about himself that is true and one thing that is a lie. The other guests can guess which of the three things is a lie.


Another play for casual dining is that the decorations are often as casual as the party itself! Most people just clean their houses and then put out some fresh flowers where guests are going to eat (make sure no one has allergies to flowers). Some people like to hang decorative streamers, balloons, or banners, but if the occasion doesn’t call for them, then you don’t need to worry about decorations. Casual dining is more about the conversation and interaction of guests than their surroundings.


In most informal gatherings, gift exchanges and goodie bags aren’t really necessary, unless you’re getting together for someone’s birthday or other gift-exchanging event (holidays, anniversaries, etc.) . Most of the time, guests are sent home with leftovers, if there are any leftovers!

The good news is that with casual dinners and gatherings, the host/hostess gift is not required. If you decide to bring a gift, make it as informal as the meeting itself. A nice inexpensive decoration for the home, maybe a CD or DVD that everyone can watch if the party starts winding down – nothing too fancy or formal!

We hope you’ve enjoyed this party supply information.

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