Many of you started your new year with resolutions to lose weight and get fit, and then bought the surplus of quick fixes and restrictive diets to lose weight fast. You began to see results but could not follow them long term. However, diets are not meant to be followed long term.

He then resumed his normal eating habits and now not only gained back what he had lost, but probably an additional 5-10 pounds. What a disaster and disappointment. You set yourself up for failure before you start. Why?

Because most diets follow the premise of calorie restriction, and with that in mind, your metabolism slows down 10-15% just from dieting. Calories are the body’s source of fuel for all bodily functions. Proper nutrition even allows you to burn calories while you rest. Imagine that you are sitting and your body is working for you. Your body is like a car and food is gasoline, when your car runs out of gas it stops and so do you.

You may decide to skip breakfast to reduce your calorie intake, but all you do is flip your metabolic switch and your body goes into hibernation, everything slows down, and when your metabolism slows down, you feel it, slow, brain fog. , he doesn’t feel like doing much of anything, especially exercising.

Did you know that for every 3 pounds of muscle gained you increase your metabolism by 7%? Muscle dictates metabolism. The more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn from excess body fat. Your metabolism increases and you have more energy to build more muscle and burn more fat. You may even find that when you start strength training and your body metabolizes the way it was created, you’re eating more and that’s okay because you’ve kept that energy machine going. That’s a huge benefit of strength training.

Did you know that sugar can mess with your hormones and tells your body to “store” fat instead of “release” it? Eating sugars from cookies, ice cream, and candy is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, raising blood sugar.

A better approach to healthy eating is to go down the low glycemic index path. The glycemic index measures how foods affect your blood sugar levels. High glycemic foods quickly raise blood sugar levels, give you that sugar high, but it doesn’t last long and then you crash, get tired and eat everything in sight looking for the next burst .

By controlling the GI, your blood sugar will stay in a higher range and by changing your diet, you’ll feel more energized, alert, and productive throughout the day, thereby increasing your metabolism to enable fat loss body, and that’s what you want to achieve. You didn’t fail the diet, the diet failed you!

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