Have you seen the movie The Secret? If not, I highly recommend it. It is an inspiring documentary on the Law of Attraction. It is becoming a real “buzz” in most companies now.

Why? More and more small business owners and success-minded professionals are beginning to discover what the most successful real estate agents have known all along. They are beginning to discover the “secret” of success.

What do successful real estate agents know that others don’t? After interviewing some of the top producers in the real estate field, one thing stood out time and time again. The “secret” to their success was their way of thinking and they were happy to talk about it.

How can the Law of Attraction change the way you think?

There are 7 ways:

Tip 1: The Law of Attraction tells us to live in the state of “gratitude”

“How,” you might ask, “is being thankful going to help me sell houses?” First of all, according to several well-known authors, “gratitude opens the way for more good things to come into your life.” Second, have you noticed how an attitude of gratitude puts you in a good mood? Gratitude shifts your thinking from problems to what makes you feel good, and that improves your mood. Have you noticed how people are more attracted to you when you’re in a better mood?

Here’s a tip:

When you get up in the morning focus on what you have and what you are grateful for. It could be that you are healthy enough to get up and do your job. As the day progresses, keep thinking about the things you are grateful for. See how more and more people are attracted to you.

Tip 2: Another tip that was mentioned in “the secret” was the “visualize” process.

Did you know that athletes mentally visualize their performance? The theory is that when you visualize, you materialize. Make sure the visualization is so real that you can feel what it’s like to have what you want.

Here’s a tip:

Before you go in for a listing appointment, take a few minutes to visualize yourself with the positive outcome you want. Visualize the owners looking at you and smiling at you as they sign the lease. Feel what you feel in your heart, knowing that you are trusted and appreciated. Talk about maximizing your success…

Tip 3: Know what you don’t want

Why is it important to know what you don’t want?

We get what we are focused on. Focus on the lack of something, and that’s what we’re guaranteed.

When you make a list of what you don’t want in terms of clients, you’re using that list to clarify what you do want.

How else are you going to know what you want unless you have experienced what you don’t want?

Here’s a tip:

Make a list of what you don’t want in terms of customers, like you don’t want “undecided, unmotivated, and unengaged customers,” so erase all those qualities on a piece of paper. Switch to the opposite, using your list of things you don’t want to figure out what you do want. The trick is to “look at your list of things you don’t want very briefly and then dismiss it.”

Tip 4: Be clear about what you want

This is where we get to the bottom of the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction tells us to only focus on what we want. Some people need help to break the

“want” barrier. These people have been conditioned with self-limiting beliefs such as “wanting is selfish.” Or “it’s not okay to ask.”

However, according to the Law of Attraction, “to want is the necessity of life.” In the book, “Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting,” author Lyn Grabhorn asks, “What are your smallest, biggest, oldest, newest, and most deeply hidden desires…the ones that are so impossible that you never Have you whispered them out loud to anyone? We came to learn how to create our desires, fulfill our dreams and prosper.”

Here’s a tip:

Keep your focus on what you want. If you’re feeling anything less than wonderful, chances are your mind has drifted toward what you don’t want. When that happens, ask yourself, “so what do I want?”

Tip 5: Get into that emotional state of having what you want

In other words, visualize yourself having what you want, say a large number of “happy, grateful, ideal customers.” Now, instead of feeling bad that you don’t have those customers yet, act like you do. Put yourself in the situation where you envision your ideal clients calling you, increasing your transactions, increasing your bank account, and having more time to spend with your family.

The key to having what you want is finding a way to feel good about your desire, even before it comes. Use the device you want. Feel free to pretend, “act as if”, and imagine. Remember, Einstein once said that “imagination is more important than knowledge.”

Let your imagination be from your heart, not just from your head. How does it feel? Deep down in your heart and body, have happy, appreciative customers calling you and wanting to do business with you?

Do you feel cooler or warmer, calmer or more excited, and do you feel lighter or heavier? Once you get the hang of it, it will be easy for you to identify the feelings of “getting what you want.”

Here’s a tip:

Take a few minutes every day to relax and visualize yourself with your wishes fulfilled. As a bonus, speak into a recording device and record yourself, giving yourself a visualization. That way, when you’re done, you won’t be able to sit back and listen to it over and over again, creating a vortex of positive energy.

Tip 6: Clear your opposing beliefs

As I have been training real estate agents for the last 10 years to double and triple their income, what I have discovered is that the Law of Attraction works very well when there are no opposing beliefs. It doesn’t work at all when opposing beliefs still exist.

For example, you may have all the talent and skills you need to be a high-producing real estate agent, but you could get stuck in an unproductive mode due to self-limiting beliefs.

Here are some examples of self-limiting beliefs that I come across all the time:

“It’s not okay to be pushy”

“If I call someone, that means I’m bothering them.”

“It’s not okay to compete”

“The needs of others are more important than mine”

Imagine trying to be successful while any of these beliefs may be operating on a subconscious level. How do you know if you have subconscious self-limiting beliefs? One sure way to find out is to practice the law of attraction and see if you get results. No results == The presence of self-limiting beliefs (probably on a subconscious level).

These self-limiting beliefs are also called “our blind spots.” Why do you think Tiger Woods always has a trainer? Because he can’t see his blind spots, and neither can we.

Here’s a tip:

After you have visualized yourself having what you want and have taken the time to feel what it feels like, ask yourself what voices in you are resisting you having what you want. Usually, you will hear some voices inside that have concerns. They may be afraid, for example, that if they are successful, then they won’t have time for their family. That would indicate a self-limiting belief, something like “in order to be successful, I need to work hard, struggle, and stress myself out.

Here’s the good news: you’re not stuck with your self-limiting beliefs. As soon as you recognize that you have them, you can change them. For example, the above could be changed to “I create success using the Law of Attraction, which allows me to easily and effortlessly attract my ideal clients.”

Tip 7: Take inspired action and let it come to you

What does this mean? This is the difference between inspired action and frenzied action: frenzied action is fear-based, and just like it sounds, frenzied and reactive. Usually you’re bumping into the problem, and the problem gets worse, which of course makes you more fearful and then you start attracting what you don’t want instead of what you do want. This is a common tendency if you have just failed a transaction.

However, inspired action means action guided by your intuition, your heart, and your instincts. You’re more likely to get inspired action ideas when you’re feeling good, which is why it’s important to live in gratitude. Next, it is important that you follow your hunches. Trust your hunches and don’t worry about the “how”. According to the Law of Attraction, the “hows” are the domain of the universe.

Once you begin to follow your Inspired Action, it is important to Allow yourself to receive what you have asked for. Notice I said the word “Allow”. To allow, you need to suspend your doubt. Choose “Faith” over “Fear.” Fear is often disguised as doubt and skepticism.

Here’s his advice:

Practice finding ways to feed your “faith.” Self-honoring statements, such as “if they can do it, so can I” are helpful. Take the self-limiting beliefs you noticed and turn them into empowering beliefs like:

“I can be assertive, without being aggressive”

“I have a pleasant treatment and people are happy to know about me”

“I can be cooperative, instead of competitive”

“My needs are as important as those of others”

In short, practicing the Law of Attraction is the fastest and easiest way to capture a positive mindset. You will be following the best producers before you, who automatically practiced this way of thinking. All you need to do is follow in his footsteps.

Stop focusing on what the media says, stop focusing on what you don’t want, start focusing on what you do want, and take a good look at the possibilities that are available to you now in this market.

This is what one of my clients said,

“I see business potential everywhere. Doors are opening and I constantly feel like anything is possible.” It’s fascinating for me to be able to change these self-limiting beliefs in such a short time. I see my business prosper and I know that I ‘deserve success’.

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