Inactivity, along with a poor diet, are largely responsible for the premature aging of our body. Hormone production during puberty, and for half a dozen years after, is almost unaffected by poor food choices or inactivity. That’s why we can’t see the correlation of inactivity with a poor diet as major contributors to aging. It’s not until we approach our forties that these truths begin to convince us that exercise and diet are so crucial to health and well-being.

Overeating causes our body to respond negatively, producing hormones that are responsible for fat storage and suppressing the production of rejuvenating hormones such as growth hormone or testosterone. The interplay between exercise and diet is a critical union that needs to be choreographed.

What do we know for sure?

  1. We eat too much – excess calories.
  2. We eat too large a meal in most sessions: binge, 2n/a rations
  3. We eat poor quality, fast foods with saturated fats: fried fast foods.
  4. We eat for pleasure and emotional comfort: pleasure and excitement dictate our appetite.
  5. We don’t see the link between health and diet or performance with food: nutrient content is ignored when choosing foods.

What is the easiest way to begin the shift to a healthy, performance-enhancing, rejuvenating, hormone-producing diet?

  1. eat the calories-smaller portions, baked vs. fried foods, less saturated fat.
  2. eat more often-Nutritious snacks every 3 hours can replace some meals. Meals planned with lean meat, raw vegetables, and low-glycemic carbohydrates.
  3. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables-Put on your shopping list fresh berries, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, etc… Eat your strawberries, blueberries, raspberries raw and your raw vegetables. When you cook your fruits and vegetables, you lose many vital nutrients. Instead of salad dressing, use lemon juice on your salads.
  4. Eat smarter planning your meals from the grocery store to the dinner plate. Have at least the next 2 nutritious meals planned in advance. Balance lean protein with fibrous carbohydrates (vegetables) along with a small serving of starchy carbohydrates. Reduce the use of fats such as butter, sour cream, and cream sauces.
  5. Train your taste buds to enjoy, even savor good food. Try to recognize the subtle flavors of a variety of vegetables devoid of creamy, fatty sauces that mask everything in an artery-clogging, fat-laden stew sauce. Every meal can be a nutritious food discovery.

The short course of an almost nutritious meal.

  1. Take a fast food “meal”.
  2. Add an apple for dessert.
  3. Replace the drink with excess sugar and caffeine with mineral water.
  4. Save some of the frozen and deep-fried fries for your dog. (Don’t let the SPCA know!)
  5. Take half of the bun to scrape off the seasonings (discard discreetly) and eat the burger and the other half of the bun.

There you go, limited body damage plus hydration, fiber and vitamins.

What most people need to do to have a healthy and nutritious diet!

  1. Do your own grocery shopping.
  2. Cook a little.
  3. Read product labels (sodium content, calories, fat, sugar, preservatives, expiration dates, etc.)
  4. Avoid any food that makes you throw yourself on the couch an hour after eating it.
  5. Do not eat while watching television! You have to think about what, why and how much you are eating.

What most people shouldn’t do to have a nutritious diet!

  1. Buy diet foods or drinks.
  2. Buy a diet program or book.
  3. Buy meal replacement shakes.
  4. Buy meal replacement bars.
  5. Buy any packaged foods that can be used as children’s Halloween treats.

The golden rule of good food-“If you don’t have to peel it, wash it, refrigerate it or throw it away within a week of bringing it home… it’s probably not good food”

These are just some basic thoughts on foods that can rejuvenate, rather than degenerate, our bodies.

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