Several cases of whiplash injury could involve chronic pain. When this happens, breathing can also be shallow. He could often hold his own breath. Since the breath is restricted, eventually you don’t exhale completely. He couldn’t even get stale air out of his lungs, resulting in possible residual buildups of toxins.

As chronic pain sets in, muscles can become cold and tight due to poor circulation. Less volume of oxygen enters and fewer toxins are naturally eliminated. The lungs may work harder when you breathe deeply and fully. The diaphragm moves and the abdominal muscles work. These events only generate more heat in the center of the body to help relieve whiplash. They are possible when you perform specific yoga exercises.

How to release chronic pain after whiplash injury? Perform specific yoga exercises and poses, as described above. Doing so could have a calming effect on emotions. Fear could be reduced as well as anxiety within the nervous system. You would feel more emotionally secure and you would feel more at ease and relaxed physically.

The next step in releasing chronic pain is to change your own attitude toward pain. Watch and feel how the pain feels, how it worsens during a whiplash injury. You need to feel your own emotions in order to make a connection to the specific parts of your body that hurt because of the condition. Connect physical pain with emotional. In this way, you would be able to recognize a possible continuity between your body, your mind and your feelings.

Understand that there are many other attitudes that may be associated with suffering from chronic pain. They include anger, depression, despair, helplessness, and loss. The whiplash injury adds significantly more stress due to self-directed negative energy.

In it, one of her books, ‘You Can Heal Your Life’, by Louise L. Hay, offers a wonderful offer on how to heal your life. Louise gives you a Problem Situation, the Probable Cause and a New Thought Pattern to start healing your life. This book is a wonderful ‘bible’ to have next to her.

Regarding neck problems, this is what he has to say. The probable cause: “Refusing to see other sides of a question. Obstinacy, inflexibility.” And the new thought pattern: “It is with flexibility and ease that I see all sides of an issue. There are infinite ways to do and see things. I am safe.” How does that fit with you? A good book to improve your life.

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