In Saving Sprite, Mark R. Levin tells us the heartbreaking yet uplifting and inspiring story of his dog Sprite. Anyone who has experienced illness and the eventual death of a pet should read this book. It expresses all the emotions that accompany a pet’s illness. The book is very therapeutic if you are a dog lover. It will help you learn how to handle the situation by seeing what Mark went through with his beloved Sprite.

In Rescuing Sprite, the author tells his story in a voice that obviously betrays his love for Sprite. His writing is so fresh and fun that you can’t put the book down. Many people say that he has read the whole book in one sitting, it was very good. That says a lot about a pet book. There are so many heartbreaking yet utterly inspiring situations that anyone who has owned a dog can relate to. Many people refer to this book as something that touches the soul and that is certainly true. The author emphasizes that our animals are part of the family and that without them your house would not be a home. This is a fact that rings true with so many people.

In the pages of the emotional book, the writer exposes his heart and soul and shows how he felt throughout the life of Sprites. He assures us that even though they are only here for a short time, our dogs are just as much a part of our lives as the rest of the family. When we lose them, we feel the same kind of pain and that pain never goes away. But like Mark did with Sprite, we learn to cherish memories and get on with our lives, sometimes with other pets.

Throughout the book Rescuing Sprite, Mark R Levin teaches us how to love no matter the circumstances and how to try to ease the pain of a lost pet and friend. He points out that it’s not easy, but it’s part of life with a dog and we have to come to terms with the fact that they can’t be here forever. Every dog ​​owner or lover needs a copy of this book. Even those without pets can learn very important lessons from the book and find it a great experience. Enjoy it.

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