Not long ago, an ancient and simple Eastern way of treating common ailments, including sinus pressure, congestion and pain, was discovered and is now being used by thousands in the Western world. This mostly unknown, fast-acting method of relief is called acupressurenot to be confused with “acupuncture” which, while based on the same healing principles, is much more invasive and requires a professional physician to perform.

Acupressure uses the fingers to press key points on the surface of the skin to stimulate the body’s natural self-healing properties. Asian cultures believed that these points were special road junctions that carried human energy called chi. Interestingly, Western scientists have also mapped and tested the existence of this point system on the body through the use of sensitive electrical devices. Stimulation of these pressure points triggers the release of endorphins, which are the neurochemicals that relieve pain. As a result, pain is blocked and the flow of oxygen and blood to the affected area is increased. This causes the muscles to relax thereby promoting healing.

Stress can be more damaging than many realize. It tends to concentrate around acupressure points. When due to trauma, chemical imbalances, fatigue, or when a muscle is chronically tight or under a lot of stress, you may have noticed shortness of breath. By applying finger pressure to the appropriate acupressure points, you may be able to ease chest tension and breathe easier. Acupressure can also be very beneficial by helping the body rebalance itself. How? Dissolving tensions and stresses that inhibit the immune system, and that tend to prevent the proper functioning of our body’s organs. By applying the right amount of pressure to the right points, muscle tension dissolves, allowing muscle fibers to stretch and relax. Then the blood can flow freely and the accumulated waste substances can be better released and eliminated; allowing a better entry of oxygen and nutrients in that area.

Now that we better understand how acupressure works and why it can benefit you, let’s try one acupressure point, among several, that can eliminate sinus pressure in a matter of minutes:

In the center of the back of the head, in the large hollow below the base of the skull, where the bone ends and the soft tissue begins. You will know the exact location of the point by a well-defined pain that you will feel when you press it. Using your middle or index finger, press firmly and steadily for 3 to 5 minutes. Before you finish doing this acupressure point, your sinuses should have started to flow nicely. If they don’t, you should check to make sure you found the correct acupressure point. Acupressure should not be done right after a meal. You can do this technique several times a day, as needed.

When used correctly, this ancient healing system could make the difference between healthy sinuses or sinus misery.

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