Short on time when it comes to preparing your meat for grilling? Do you come home from the grocery store with your food wishing it could go out on the grill but are you behind in time to tenderize your meat? Tenderizing meat is now faster and easier.

The Microplane Meat Tenderizer is made with extraordinarily sharp, etched blades. The unique blades create the most efficient and fastest working method for breaking down and tenderizing the fibers of the toughest and often most flavorful cuts of meat, such as brisket and steak.

skirt steak, with ease. Microplane’s Meat Tenderizer uses the precision of a sharp, raised blade to easily slice through tough meat for optimal results with less time and effort. The round shape makes the kitchen appliance easy to use. You, the Grill Master or Indoor Chef, grab it and roll it over your meat. This process takes a few seconds and instantly your steak becomes tender. While other methods may take 24 hours to get the same results.

Once the meat is tender, it needs to be seasoned. There are many options. Keeping it simple, you can generously season each side of the flank steak with salt and pepper. Lawrys Seasoned Salt is a staple in many households and can be added for extra flavor. McCormick Grillmates Marinade is quick, easy, and tasty. They come in a variety of flavors: Garlic Herb & Wine, Smoky Applewood, Peppercorn & Garlic, Spiced Brandy & Herb to name a few. Choose your marinade and completely coat each side. For a stronger flavor marinate in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours or overnight.

After preparing the meat, it is time to cook it. Grilling outdoors is a great way to cook flank steak. For gas grills, light one burner and set it to “high.” With the grill lid closed, allow several minutes for the grill to heat up. Leave the second burner off so there is room to transfer the meat for slow cooking after the initial browning.

For charcoal grills, for charcoal in the bottom of the grill. If possible, push all the charcoal to one side so that half of the grill has no charcoal underneath. After the meat is browned, this part of the rack will be used for slow cooking. Light the charcoal and let it smolder freely until the flames die down and the coals are mostly gray. The grill surface should be quite hot – you shouldn’t be able to keep your hand near the grill for more than a second.

Now that your grill is nice and hot, carefully, using a grill brush or stacked paper towels, coat the grill with olive oil or vegetable oil over the burner or over charcoal. After you have applied the oil to the grill, place the meat on the grill. Notice the crackling sound as the meat touches the grill surface. The first few minutes of cooking the meat seals the meat. Allow to cook undisturbed for 3 to 4 minutes, then flip. It should be well browned with dark brown or blackened crisp portions. But

turn it over to continue cooking. Grilling flank steak over high heat “browns” the meat, creating a crispy outer layer that tastes great and gives it a delicious texture. The main reason for browning is simply for flavor and texture.

After each side of the steak has seared and each side appears brown with crispy black areas, move the meat to the burner that is “off” or to the section of the barbecue where there are no charcoals. High heat is for browning but not for cooking. high heat easily

leads to burning. Low, constant heat is best for grilling flank steaks. Grill the fillets for 3 minutes on each side over low heat with the lid closed. Once the flank steak has reached an internal temperature of 130 °F (54.5 °C), it is done. This is for medium rare. This is the suggested healthy temperature, but here is the range for those who prefer their steaks at different levels of doneness:

120 degrees F (49 degrees C) Rare

130 degrees F (54.5 degrees C) Medium Rare

140 degrees F (60 degrees C) Medium

150 degrees F (65.5 degrees C) Medium Well

160 degrees F (71.1 degrees C) Well done

Using a meat thermometer is the best way to check the internal temperature and overall doneness. As a general rule of thumb, the pinker the inside of your flank steak is, the less it has been cooked. Cut into a thick part of the meat to examine the interior. If the inside of the meat is tougher than the outside, is bright pink in color, and/or has juices that are not running clear, the meat is undercooked and should be cooked further. If the outer edges of the meat are brownish-gray while the inside is light pink and the meat juices run clear, it’s ready to eat.

After removing the meat from the grill, use clean utensils and a clean serving plate. Do not use cookware dish that touched raw meat. There are bacteria on dishes and cookware from raw meat that can be transferred to cooked meat if you use them, which can make you seriously ill if ingested. Always be sure to use clean cookware when serving your food from the grill.

Now you know about the Microplan meat tenderizer and how efficient it is. You know about seasoning your meat and preparing it for the grill. You also know how to set up your grill for the perfect grilling conditions. And you know how to grill the best flank steak. Good luck to you and happy grilling!

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