Earning your epic flying mount is a great achievement and opens many other doors that enhance your WoW gaming experience. However, to get such a prized mount, some work is needed in the form of farming gold for an epic flying mount. Finding that kind of loot is sometimes difficult, especially if you are unaware of some secrets and the truth is most players won’t admit it, but they paid one way or another to get theirs.

However, if you take the time and put in the effort, you can get the required 5000 gold. Here are some tips that will help you get the gold you need much faster.

daily missions

Sure, these can get old and boring, but there’s no better way to get some gold. Most players today can do about a month of daily quests, all 25 of them every day, to get the gold needed for their epic flying mount. Also, after a month of these, you can really improve your skills.

leveling professions

Leveling up your professions is a must and can help you earn more gold faster without a doubt. This is actually a common mistake that many players make, regardless of why they are farming. Leveling up your primary gathering professions is especially helpful. Stay focused on skinning, herbalism, and mining.

fabric pickup

One gold farming tip in WOTLK is to travel north of Northrend and search for humanoids. You can get some good loot from them and you can find Frostweave cloth that can bring you very good profit on the auction house. This is very useful once you have leveled up your profession.


There are plenty of game animals in Northrend, and their pelts can bring huge profits. Search the Borean Tundra and Howling Fjord, here you will find a large number of animals to easily collect. Skins sell fast so you can make some decent gold quickly.

Follow these tips and use a little patience and you’ll be able to farm for gold and get your epic flying mount faster than you think. Like most things in life, once you learn how to make a lot of gold, you can enjoy the game much better. You just need to fill your wallet and you can compete with elite players who usually have 10,000 gold at any given time.

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