Understanding a dog’s body language is a bit strange, but for a dog trainer or owner, it’s very important. Dogs have communicated through body language for eons. Being able to read what he wants to say is helpful, especially if you are training him.

A very important fact that you should know is that dogs speak with their eyes. Just by looking into his eyes, you can already exchange messages with your dog. Not only that, facial expressions also play a role in your communication with him. You’ll be surprised at how much information you and your pet can exchange just through eye contact.

The importance of eye contact

In certain situations, eye contact can be interpreted as hostile or unsympathetic. This can trigger aggression in your dog and has the potential to lead to other problems. Studying his body language and using your own body language to communicate with him is a good way to bond with your dog.

Dogs use body language instinctively. They do it in nature. They use bodily expressions to communicate with each other as members of the pack. Our failure to recognize this is a huge mistake on our part, and your dog’s messages fell on “deaf ears.” Some of the dog signals you need to understand include yawning, sniffing, freezing, licking, head turning, and other signals.

be sensitive

Recognizing your dog’s cues can greatly improve your relationship with him. To understand his signals is to satisfy his needs. This makes training easier, while ignoring what he wants to say through his physical expressions also retards his learning progress. Whatever type of training you are currently implementing on your dog, it is always good to be able to understand some of the dog’s body language.

Your own body language is also important in this process. If you act shy or indecisive, he may take that as a signal for them to take control. This can lead to dominance conflicts between you and your dog, and relationship problems will start to surface.

Being able to decipher your dog’s bodily expressions plays an important role in your ability to understand him in a deeper sense. It’s an irony that only a few dog owners know. Make an effort to understand your dog’s body language, and you’ll be surprised at the new things you’ll discover about your pet.

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