If you just broke up with your boyfriend/girlfriend and want to reconcile and get back together. There couldn’t be a better time than Valentine’s Day to make that happen. Valentine’s Day is one of the most popular days of the year for couples to get back together after a breakup. So why do so many couples get back together on Valentine’s Day?

The answer is really simple, unlike all the other holidays Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, etc. that are traditionally spent with family and friends. Valentine’s Day is traditionally reserved specifically for lovers. So this offer is the perfect opportunity for someone who wants to get back together with an ex lover. This is a time when your ex misses you as much as you miss them. And even more so if the break has occurred in recent months.

Your ex isn’t going to fall back into your arms just because it’s Valentine’s Day. But with predetermined planning, he will offer a window of opportunity to begin a process that will help rectify the circumstances that led to your breakup. There are a few things to consider before you begin your quest to get back together with your ex, and we’ll get to those in a bit. But first you’ll have to meet your ex on Valentine’s Day before you can start the process, right? So how are you going to do that? Try this.

Call your ex a day or two before Valentine’s Day and say something like this: “Hi ______ You know Valentine’s Day is coming up, and I was hoping we could put our differences aside for a day and spend some time together.” time together”. So shut up, don’t jabber or sound desperate. If you’ve been following my articles, you should get a positive response, because you haven’t been calling constantly, you haven’t been stalking them, and you have a good reason for calling. If you haven’t been bothering them, then your ex is also thinking about you and she is probably waiting to hear from you and she may even be waiting.

Be prepared to offer date suggestions that won’t make your ex feel trapped in being alone with you, like having dinner at your house. Dinner at a casual restaurant will make them feel less pressured. Bring a gift, but don’t give it to him right away, steer clear of gifts that are overly romantic or show a desperate attempt to impress him. Choose a gift that is simple but shows that you are in tune with their interests. If your ex likes to read a new book, it would be a good gift, or if he likes video games, the newest game would be a good gift. Just remember to keep it simple and something that interests them.

Keep your conversation casual and never bring up the subject of the breakup. You don’t want to remind them why you two broke up. Try to stay away from any topic that could be in any way associated with the breakup. Instead, talk about what’s currently going on in each other’s lives, treat it like a first date with no open expectations. If your ex brings up the topic of breaking up, be prepared to discuss it, but only if he brings it up. If the breakup was your fault, show your ex that you’ve gone back to the events that led up to the breakup and that you clearly understand why they were upset. If the breakup was because of something your ex did, do the exact same thing, your ex may not realize that he did something wrong.

After dinner, if your ex suggests continuing the date, agree, but don’t make that suggestion yourself. At the end of the date, tell your ex that you had a good time and that you hope you can do it again. If you have come this far, you have taken an important step to get back together with your ex. Don’t blow it now, give your ex some time to digest the time he just spent with you. Don’t call them right away, wait for another good reason to spend some time together. Unless, of course, your ex calls you. Or he has specifically asked you to call.

Remember that just because it’s Valentine’s Day doesn’t mean your ex will magically fall back into your arms. It is the perfect opportunity for you to start the makeup process. Be patient, not pushy.

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