We all love bananas, right? They are a popular and highly nutritious fruit that can be found in almost every country in the world. They are the second most exported fruit in the world after tomatoes, if they can really be classified as a fruit in the conventional style. There are hardly any calories in a banana to worry about and they taste delicious, but eating them plain all the time can get a bit boring, even for the biggest banana fanatics.

With this in mind, I thought I’d share a very quick and easy banana bread recipe that I learned over the weekend when I was staying with some friends. Trust me, you don’t need to be a Gordan Ramsay in the kitchen to be able to do this, and I’d like to point out that if I can do it, anyone can!

Ingredients for my very simple banana bread recipe

So first things first, I am going to list here the ingredients that you will need for this very simple banana bread recipe. These are all things that you will probably have in the kitchen, if not, they are all easily found at any local store or supermarket.

* 4 plantains, the riper (or more golden) the better
* 1/3 cup butter
* 1 egg
* 1 teaspoon vanilla
* 1/3 cup of grapes
* 1 teaspoon of baking soda
* Sprinkle salt
* 3/4 ​​cup of sugar
* 1 and a half cups of flour

Necessary utensils

* oven
* wooden spoon
* Cup (to measure your ingredients)
* A teaspoon
* A large bowl
* 4*8 deep loaf pan
* Cooling rack

You don’t have to include raisins if you don’t like them or don’t have any in the kitchen, they’re just an extra ingredient I used to make my easy banana bread recipe a little tastier.

how to make banana bread

So you have all the ingredients in front of you, now it’s time for a short explanation to highlight how easy this banana bread recipe is. In fact, it shouldn’t take you more than five minutes to make the banana bread before popping it in the oven for about an hour.

1. Before you get your hands on the ingredients, turn your oven on to 175 degrees C, or 350 degrees F, this is to make sure it’s preheated by the time you put the banana bread mix in to cook.

2. Peel the bananas and put them in the bowl and proceed to mash them with a fork.

3. Take your wooden spoon and mix the butter into the mashed banana in the bowl.

4. Next, add the egg and continue mixing, before adding the raisins, sugar and vanilla, continuing to mix.

5. While you continue to mix, add the salt and baking soda.

6. Then add the flour and mix some more.

7. Butter the pan before pouring/scooping the batter into it.

8.Place in the oven for one hour.

9. Remove from the oven and place on a cooling rack.

10. Enjoy!

As you can see, this simple banana bread recipe can be accomplished in 10 quick and easy steps, by anyone, no matter their level of cooking experience.

Calories in Banana Bread
If you are someone who is watching their weight and counting calories, then the number of calories in banana bread may be of interest to you. It’s hard to put an exact number on each slice, but I’d say there are roughly 220-240 calories in each slice of banana bread.

However, may I also add that there are several nutritional benefits you can get from eating banana bread, with the exact nutrients it contains listed below:

* Potassium
* Iron
* Calcium
* Sodium
*Vitamin A
*Vitamin C
* protein

I hope you found my easy banana bread recipe helpful and try it yourself at home.

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