Tea income you get from your business is directly proportional to the result you first set out to achieve.

Whatever it is you want to achieve, the surest way to achieve it is to start with goals. SMART goals.

Because? Well, the biggest benefit of coming up with a detailed description of what you want your network marketing income to be is that your mind will start planning automatically. The simple act of thinking about what you want, imagining it, and writing it down programs a specific goal in your brain that starts working on ways to reach the goal.

Your brain begins to calculate everything it will take to reach the goal, the resources you will need, the time required, and the energy needed to get the job done. It is configured to just run and is waiting for you to send a ready signal.

How do you set SMART goals to achieve your desired network marketing income?

First, each of your goals should be

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This means that you must create concrete goals and use action words. For example, instead of simply saying that I will earn a great income from network marketing, say that I will earn $_____ per month in my first six months, $___ after one year, $____ in my second year, and so on.

Your goals must be measurable. Describe the quality of the action you want to take. For example, you can say, I work 3 hours per day from Monday to Friday making 40-50 calls and I recruit 2 people per week.

The goals must be achievable. If you’ve never tried selling before and aspire to be a billionaire after a month, then you’re setting yourself up for failure.

The objectives must be relevant. Your goals should be in line with your business. Although having the goal of calling your grandmother more often is honorable, this particular action is not relevant to your business goal of increasing your network marketing income.

Lastly, your goals should have a time limit. Establish a schedule. For example, let’s say I will work 3 hours per day Monday through Friday making 40 calls per day and hire 2 people per week to achieve a network marketing income of $2000 per month for my first six months in 2009.

Don’t underestimate the power of goal setting. It is a key factor used by achievers.

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