Child support and custody is a serious issue that can be complicated and exhausting for both parties involved. Things can get tough when you can’t pay child support and you don’t want to be separated from your child. If you find yourself in such a crisis, here’s what you need to know.

How long is child support?

The law requires you to make child support payments until the following conditions occur:

• Your child is no longer considered a minor and turns 18 years old. This regulation is subject to change in the event that the child has special needs.

• Your child joins the military.

• Your child marries or registers a domestic partnership.

• Your parental rights are terminated due to adoption or any other specific legal proceeding.

• Your child becomes emancipated or dies.

Now, since you know about child support and how long it can last, here’s what to do and what not to do when you can’t pay child support.

the do

Request an Official Payment Modification – In any circumstance like losing your job, losing custody of your child if you are unable to support your child, then this is the first thing you should do. Contact the child support authorities and explain your situation. If they find your case legitimate, they will ask you to apply for an official payment modification.

You will need to fill out a legal document stating what conditions have changed for you, as well as your current savings and other income information. If the authorities find your case credible enough, they can work out a temporary payment plan for you.

Communicate with your ex-spouse who has custody of the children: Regardless of your relationship with your ex-spouse, you need to talk openly with them about the situation. It can help you avoid a legal situation or further arguments or fights in front of the child.

The don’ts

Do not hide or remain silent about your situation: If you lose your job or your current income is not enough to support your child, do not hide your situation from the authorities. Child care authorities will find out if you don’t make payments and won’t give you an explanation. If you have not spoken or lied about your situation, the authorities will not allow your child to live with you. You will not be able to request an official payment modification for your child.

Don’t Miss Your Court Hearing: If you haven’t made ongoing child support payments, the court will likely call or request your presence. Regardless of how overwhelming and terrifying the situation may seem, you must go to court on the requested date. Not going to court will further weaken your case and cause you more problems. They may even see you as an irresponsible parent, which is the last thing you want to see happen.

Don’t smear the custodial parent: When you can’t financially support your child, your case naturally weakens. Slandering your ex-spouse in court or blaming him for something he didn’t do is not a good idea to strengthen your case. It is especially important that you do not slander or speak ill of them in front of your child.

Closure: It is a very painful experience for any parent when they cannot financially support their child. To save himself from legal proceedings or to make the legal process less painful, he must inform the authorities and be truthful about his situation. In addition, you must be open and respectful with his ex-spouse throughout the process so that you both can come to a resolution that benefits that child and puts him or her first.

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