Elevated white blood cell count (also known as leukocytosis) indicates that there is an increase in the production of white blood cells (WBC or leukocytes) in the body. It is the opposite of leukopenia, which is a decrease in the number of white blood cells. The main function of leukocytes is to fight infections within the body, which can be caused by bacteria, fungi, or viruses. A high white blood cell count in the body can indicate an underlying health problem, such as anemia, bone marrow tumor, inflammatory disease, emotional or physical anxiety, tissue damage, infectious diseases, or even leukemia. However, more tests must be done to determine the exact cause of the condition.

The tests performed may vary from patient to patient, depending on their medical history. If you have leukocytosis, your doctor will most likely do a blood test called a complete blood test (CBC). You will be able to determine the cause and appropriate treatment options through the test results. Your doctor can even review the list of medications you are currently taking. If the test shows that the condition is very severe, you may need to have a bone marrow biopsy, as high white blood cells can be a sign of a bone marrow disease.

High white blood cells can also cause infertility in both women. A woman who has leukocytosis may be allergic to her partner’s semen. Your body may mistakenly recognize sperm as an invasive object and therefore develops antibodies that can damage or even kill sperm. To overcome this problem, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics so that your level of allergic reaction to semen can be reduced or even eliminated. However, you should not be overly concerned because this condition is very rare.

Leukocytosis can also occur during pregnancy. Usually, when a woman is pregnant, the white blood cells in the uterus produce antibodies. White blood cells can misidentify the fetus as an invasive object and attack it, causing a miscarriage. The baby can also carry high white blood cells and therefore a pregnant woman should avoid various types of meats that can increase the production of white blood cells, such as hot dogs and salamis. With a healthy diet, the risk of miscarriage and high white blood cell levels in the baby can be reduced.

Symptoms include fever, bleeding or bruising, shortness of breath, sudden weight loss, fatigue, dizziness, and pain or tingling in the arms, legs, or abdomen. If you suspect that you may have high white blood cells, you should seek medical attention immediately.

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