According to dermatologists, there can be many reasons that may be causing red spots on the face; Genetics, environment, rosacea, and perioral dermatitis are some of the most common reasons for facial redness.

Redness is a sign of sensitive and highly reactive skin. As such, there is no proven formula that ensures a 100% result for red blotchy skin, some changes to your skin care regimen and lifestyle habits can go a long way in reducing redness. Take our word for it; Achieving clear and flawless skin is not a distant dream!

Here are 5 tips to combat facial redness like a pro

Know the irritants and avoid them: If you really want to get rid of redness, the first and foremost thing you need to do is identify the irritants that are causing redness on your face. Think of all the products you are applying to your skin. Know what all the ingredients are made of. Substances like alcohol, artificial fragrances, and colors can cause red spots and irritation on sensitive skin. It is recommended to use skin care products that are gentle on the skin and do not contain any irritants.

Try Cucumber Face Masks: The natural cooling and rejuvenating skin benefit of cucumber is known to all. Cucumber face masks can help combat facial redness if used regularly. And if you don’t have time to grate cucumbers, use the Freeman Feeling Beautiful Cucumber Peel-Off Mask for beautiful skin. The mask will draw out the impurities on your skin leaving light red spots and will leave you with smooth and clear skin.

Use coconut oil: Dryness is also one of the reasons behind facial redness. Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer for the skin. Take a few drops of pure coconut oil on a cotton ball and gently apply it to the red areas of your face before going to bed. Make this a daily habit for best results. You will also find a moisturizer and face cream with coconut oil as the main ingredient.

Wash your face with a suitable facial cleanser: One of the best ways to reduce redness on your face is to keep washing your face 2 times a day gently and properly. Remember that washing too much can irritate your skin. Use a facial cleanser that doesn’t contain alcohol, artificial fragrances, or any other ingredients that can be harsh on your sensitive skin.

Sulfate cleansers like Rosanil, Benzoyl Peroxide, and Cetaphil can work as an anti-inflammatory treatment for your face. Don’t use hot water to wash your face. Instead, use lukewarm tap water. After washing your face with a mild cleansing solution, pat your face gently with a towel and apply facial moisturizer.

Follow a healthy diet: You can certainly choose from over-the-counter products that can help relive redness and acne. But if you need lasting results, your body needs changes from within. And this can be achieved by following a healthy diet. Drink green tea 1-2 times a day; It has natural anti-inflammatory properties. Add plenty of fresh fruits and green vegetables to your diet.

Follow these tips and you will see that facial redness has disappeared!

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