Just like humans, cats can also suffer from dandruff. Dander manifests itself as small white specks on the cat’s fur. It develops when loose dead cells from the outer layer of the skin break off and become trapped in the cat’s fur. Dander can make an animal’s coat look unsightly and unhealthy. Fortunately, there are some home remedies for cat dandruff that can be used to cure the condition.


Dandruff can be caused by a variety of factors, such as sensitivity to a fungus that is present on the scalp, fungal infections, overactive oil glands, or clogged oil glands, the skin can become very dry and produce dry flakes. Stress or a weakened immune system can also be the cause. Similarly, environmental conditions like cold weather or a dry environment can also trigger dandruff. Dandruff can also be caused by food allergies or intolerances. Over-washing your cat can also result in dry, flaky skin.

conventional treatment

Treatment will depend on the cause of the dandruff. Conventional treatment often involves topical creams. However, keep in mind that these treatments can have side effects. A word of advice: never use human moisturizing lotions on your cat’s skin, as they contain chemicals that can irritate your cat’s skin.


A balanced diet is one of the most effective home remedies for cats with dandruff. Since dander can be the result of food allergies or intolerances, feed your cat fresh, raw foods without artificial additives instead of processed foods. However, make sure you don’t change your diet suddenly, as this can cause an imbalance of natural oils and consequently dry, flaky skin.

Supplementing your cat’s diet with omega-3 oils or adding a tablespoon of olive oil to her food several times a week can help skin and condition the coat by stimulating the skin’s natural oils. Vitamin A also helps maintain healthy skin. Carrots, squash, and sweet potatoes are excellent sources and can be grated into your cat’s food.

herbal remedies

Herbal home remedies for cats will help keep your cat’s skin healthy and nourished as they support the skin’s natural oil production. Herbs such as horsetail and dandelion act as an effective tissue toner and keep the skin hydrated. These and bladderwrack, a sea vegetable used in supplements, can be found in ready-to-use home remedies for cat dandruff that you can buy.


One of the easiest home remedies for cats with dandruff is regular combing. It will not cure the condition, but it will remove squamous skin cells from the coat and stimulate blood circulation in the skin. Brush your pet regularly, but gently to loosen dry skin cells and dander flakes.

Dry your cat well after washing, as shampoo residue can dry on the skin and cause flakes and dandruff. If you wash or bathe your cat regularly, reduce the frequency. Bathing removes oils from the skin and can cause the skin to become flaky. The production of natural oils in the skin will be disrupted to counteract dry skin caused by frequent washing, and the sebaceous glands will begin to produce too much oil.


If your cat is prone to dander, avoid keeping her in very cold, dry environments. Humidity in a room can be controlled by installing humidifiers.

These home remedies for cats with dandruff will effectively eliminate your cat’s dandruff.

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