The passers in Madden NFL 10 have changed from other versions. The techniques used to use them efficiently are not the same, and what you should do to take advantage of this and ensure that you don’t have any issues with alterations between previous versions and this one.

Running quarterbacks aren’t as strong. There are less good quarterbacks in professional football. Vince Young is no longer an excellent passer, and the reason he’s a poor passer now makes up for his running skills. Michael Vick is no longer the efficient passer he once was. There are no other great running quarterbacks, and the varied ratings ensure that you can’t just lay down a pass rusher with sub-par passes and take advantage of the defense.

Throwing deep is harder. If you want to throw long, make sure you have a great QB before moving on. And by excellent, I mean a pass with a great long pass stat. Also make sure you’re passing to an amazing receiver against a lackluster secondary player. All of these interweavings mean that long passes are no longer as good as a pick.

The differences between the pins are minor. With more selectable features to identify each QB, you can feel the big changes and small differences between each QB. This means that players with a lot of accuracy really do have great accuracy and not just a powerful arm. You can miss a lot more tackles with Ben Roethlisberger and throw accurate shots with Drew Brees.

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