We have all experienced the burning sensation in the chest due to heartburn or acid reflux. Many of us tend to experience acid reflux on a regular basis. One way to stop “heartburn” is to get used to an acid reflux diet. In this article we are going to look at which foods would be the best for prevention along with which foods can trigger the nasty rampage in your system.

Fruits and vegetables are a vital part of maintaining a healthy diet. Unfortunately, many of our favorite fruits and vegetables can be to blame for our heat burn. Foods for this condition are available at your local supermarket, you just have to know what to buy. Apples, bananas, carrots, baked potatoes, cabbage, and even green beans can help calm stomach acid. Stay away from citrus fruits like grapefruits or vegetables that tend to be very acidic, like onions or tomatoes.

Extra lean meat is also a great way to get rid of fat and heartburn! Choose extra lean ground beef, plain fish, or a skinless chicken breast. By reducing fat in your diet, you will reduce the amount of acid in your stomach, giving your body a better chance of neutralizing the chemicals in your stomach.

Dairy follows the same set of rules as beef. If you reduce your fat intake, you will reduce the amount of acid in your system. A great food to eat is low-fat tofu. It doesn’t contain any dairy, but you still get all the flavor. If you’re not a fan of soy, be sure to buy low-fat or nonfat dairy products. In fact, you should also get skim milk to drink.

Rice is always a great source of nutrition and very helpful when it comes to getting rid of reflux discomfort. Rice cakes with a little peanut butter or even graham crackers with honey are tasty snacks that won’t ruin your evening.

Good foods to eat are not hard to find. You can make a fabulous meal or have a delicious snack without burning acid reflux simply by switching to an acid reflux diet. Also, you may end up feeling a little lighter and without acid reflux due to the change in diet.

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