Did you know that there are five main benefits to home maintenance for you, the owner? Is it so:

  • enhanced home value
  • Saving money
  • Enhanced Security
  • increased comfort
  • Energy efficiency

Considering the benefits, it is definitely worth doing regular home maintenance. Failure to perform regular home maintenance can lead to illness, injury, and even death (carbon monoxide poisoning is one example). Some of the important areas that you need to maintain are:

  • Windows and doors that allow drafts to enter
  • Subfloors getting spongy
  • A furnace that may be producing dangerous levels of carbon monoxide
  • An air conditioning system that will probably fail in the middle of summer
  • Smoke detectors with dead batteries

Your home can be a much safer place for you and your family if you adopt a simple home maintenance plan. For example, changing the battery in a smoke detector could save the life of you or your loved ones, and it only takes five minutes. So, as you can see, doing a few simple fixes on a few things and inspecting a few others, on a regular basis, can pay big dividends.

Your home is a comfortable place to live because of the systems built into it. You may not have thought of it that way before, or you may have taken your home systems for granted, but either way, sooner or later, one or more of them will fail; resulting in, at best, much discomfort or, at worst, tragedy; home maintenance can prevent that breakdown.

For example, your home has a built-in electrical system that powers your lights, refrigerator, microwave, water heater, washer/dryer, and many other appliances. You may not think about this system every time you turn on the light switch, get milk from the fridge, or do a load of laundry, but you’ll soon find yourself without these things and more if your electrical system goes down. Most likely, it will also happen when you can least afford it.

Many of these systems have moving parts like motors, belts, and gears that put them through a lot of wear and tear over a period of time. Some are simply made from materials that naturally degrade over time or are subject to attack by insects or mold. In any case, you can avoid the major inconveniences that can result from such a breakdown by adopting a simple maintenance program.

Whether your home is an investment, a place to live, or both, it’s likely the largest single expense of your life. If you bought the house as an investment, hoping to make some money when you sell it, then it makes sense and pays big dividends to keep it in great shape. That way, you’ll keep it safe and comfortable while you live in it, and you’ll get a good price if you sell it.

Real estate professionals have a phrase that applies to a well-maintained home: curb appeal. The value of a home is affected by its exterior appearance and that is what the phrase “curb appeal” refers to. The value of your home is going to be higher if the roof is well cared for, the doors and windows are tight, and the landscaping is clean, because potential buyers will find it more attractive, so you are likely to get a higher price than if out otherwise.

However, you will need to keep your home, even if you don’t plan to sell it, just to keep your original investment. Even a task as simple as replacing the filter in your furnace can pay big dividends, when it comes to keeping your home’s value up. It is easy to see why this is true. When the filter is clogged, the motor has to work harder to push air through it, forcing the fan belt, bearings, and other components, shortening the life of the fan and requiring the entire assembly to be replaced from the fan. There is a big difference between a $2.00 filter and a $500 repair charge.

So, as you can see, it’s much less expensive, in the long run, to maintain than to repair when things break. The first thing to do is identify those parts of your home that require regular maintenance and make a list. Inspect each of them periodically and make any necessary repairs. When buying materials, buy the best you can afford.

This will ensure maximum profit and you will see that you make repairs less often, thus saving money in the long run and protecting yourself against inconvenience and even disaster.

Here are some things to check each year:

  • Gutters and downspouts
  • Window moldings and door frames
  • battery sprinkler timer
  • Oven
  • Air-conditioning
  • chimney spark arrestor
  • Water heater anode and dip tube
  • Burners, tank and chimney of the water heater
  • fireplace and fireplace
  • Refrigerator condenser coils (empty)
  • Smoke detectors and CO2 detectors
  • Indoor Gas Line Connections

These are just a few of the many items you’ll need to inspect annually or, in some cases, monthly. There are many more areas that you need to inspect and repair, but they are beyond the scope of this article. So, as you can see, you have a lot of work to do; and there is no time like the present. Good luck. For more information, go online and search for home maintenance or check out your local library.

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