It’s free!

Breathe? What do you mean Breathe? That’s all? That’s too easy! Yes. It’s as simple as that believe it or not. Making it a priority to pause and take deep, soulful breaths throughout the day is a luxury we deny ourselves.especially When we’re under the gun It is not enough to remember to take a deep breath during yoga or meditation (for those who practice). Consciously inhaling and then releasing the air we breathe throughout the day is grounding, centering, balancing and clarifying. And it’s free! Another advantage is that it feels good and prepares you to make better, more focused decisions and to hear your inner guidance more clearly.


What do you mean coffee is not a stress reliever?

Not Gatorade. Not coconut milk. Not Kombucha. Not coffee. Target WATER. We are mostly water, so why not stock up on what’s made of it? Taking the time to drink, not swallow, some water from a natural source boosts the immune system, helps with headaches, flushes out toxins, increases brain power, and provides energy. It doesn’t mean you can’t have the other stuff, but try to make H2O your go-to. If you buy bottled water, read the label to make sure it’s from a natural source. Combine that with deep breaths and you are ready to kill again!


What muscle positivity? That’s not part of human anatomy…

If you’re basically a cynic, a skeptic, a realist, or any other kind of ‘telling’ things like they’re people’, try changing your perspective once in a while…then try more once in a while. Looking at the dark side of things is sure to increase stress and then some! Flip the script, flip the attitude (as in attitude) open the blinds and let the light shine in! Whoops, you might feel good as a result… until the voices in The Mind Chorus say you’re delusional… ahhhh, that’s for another article, but in the meantime, come on locating and working out your Muscle Positivity a workout! Psst… it’s in your heart.

4-Which leads me to…HOPE FOR THE BEST.

The person who always expects the worst to happen is right. The person who always hopes for the best is right.

THAT????? HAS THE BEST???? THE SKY IS FALLING, EVERYTHING IMPLODES THE WORLD IS A MESS THE POLITICS THE POVERTY THE ECONOMY ME ME ME!!!! Well now, aren’t these things pretty stressful topics to deal with as you navigate your day? Focusing on the worry instead of being open to receiving ideas for solutions adds to the muck and muck on The Mind Chorus. Our point of view and perspective make a big difference in stress levels. Expecting the worst to happen all the time puts you in fight or flight mode. CONSTANTLY. Lots of adrenal firing which can lead to adrenal stress…which may be one of the reasons you can’t sleep at night because you’re always on…as much as we’d like to, we can’t save the world while we stay in Stress Out mode. Bad things happen, but good things happen too. The person who always expects the worst to happen is right. The person who always hopes for the best is right. Which side of the fence do you want to sit on? A point of view always it leads to much, much more stress. Right now, you may be looking at me (through the words on the page) like I’m crazy, but I assure you I’m not. Living most of my life fully stressed to the N degree, I have experienced firsthand what the worst can make you expect and how havoc it smells in the body. I’ve also experienced how it feels to hope for the best. I’m not suggesting that you bury your head in the sand or be naive about personal, family, or world crises, but I’m suggesting that worrying about it doesn’t change it one bit.


Essential oils are bomb!

Don’t worry, you won’t fumigate a room if you just apply a very small amount to your wrist (make sure you or those close to you don’t have allergies) or add a couple of drops to a tissue or cotton ball. A dose of essential oils like Peppermint, (my personal favorite) Lavender, or Chamomile can have a relaxing and calming effect. It also helps with headaches, especially if you combine it with tips 1-4.


they make a good body

They are not just meant to disable your opponent in a fight. the body is loaded with pressure points, many in the regions of the hands, arms, chest, head and shoulders. Pressing them can eliminate a headache, increase energy, reduce heat, and instantly calm you down.

7- BREATH DEEPLY. Oh yes, I said that. But one can never say that enough. Add an affirmation or two as you go, and like anything new, it gets better with desire, diligence, intention, and repetition; In general, stress relief is a practice.

In essence, we are the guardians of our temples during our lifetime. We should take care of ourselves as much as possible. Being aware of what we eat along with getting enough exercise is excellent and essential, but taking care of ourselves goes far beyond being vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, carnivorous or if we go around the track or in the pool on a regular basis. -There is an aspect of Mindfulness that is often overlooked. Being aware of our stress levels and doing something constructive about it makes life much more focused, more balanced, and more enjoyable.

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